The best 10 nail tips/habits I can share with you :)
Hi guys!
Pozdrav ljudi!
Today I ran across some nail care videos on youtube. The ladies I watch are so, they just seem so
happy and calm to me on screen. If they break a nail, they film it and they're like I got a brake,
I'll just cut my nails and file them, they'll grow and be long again, nothing to stress about.
And I'm like that. In general I'm relaxed most of the time, we all have our worries but, I'm a
"The glass is half-full" person. On the other side, so many things just make me go crazy each and every day.
For example, if we meet up and we go eat something. Don't chew with your mouth open.
I react bad to that and I can not control that. I just go crazy, so most of the time I can't eat with
someone, or even alone without music blasting on my headphones.
Or, my cleaning habits. I clean ever day for 2-3, sometimes even more hours.
Fully aware of the fact that everything is clean, but I just need to clean
it again so I can be 100% sure that everything is clean. Many other things bother me so I'm happy
but very nervous. If you're like me in some way when something bad happens to your nails
you will freak out. I want to share some tips and habits that help me have stronger nails, therefore,
less bad things happen to them, therefore I don't stress that much about them. :)
Danas sam naišla na neke videove o njezi noktiju na youtubeu. Dame koje ja gledam su, čine se tako
sretne i smirene na ekranu. Ako slome nokat, one to snime i kažu slomila sam nokat,
samo ću ih podšišati i oturpijat, opet će narast i biti dugi opet, ne treba se živcirat.
I ja sam takva. Općenito sam opuštena većinu vremena, svi imamo svoje brige, ali sam
"Čaša je napola puna" osoba. S druge strane, toliko stvari izluđuje svaki dan.
Na primjer, ako se nađemo i idemo nešto pojest. Nemojte žvakat otvorenih usta.
Reagiram vrlo loše na to i nemogu se kontrolirat. Jednostavno poludim, tako većinu vremena nemogu
jest s nekim, ili čak sama bez glasne glazbe na slušalicama.
Ili, moje navike čišćenja. Čistim svaki dan 2-3, nekad čak i više sati. Totalno svjesna činjenice da je sve čisto, ali ću opet očistiti samo da budem 100% sigurna da je sve čisto. Puno drugih stvari me živcira pa
sam sretna ali vrlo nervozna. Ako ste ovakva kao ja kad se nešto loše dogodi Vašim noktima,
poludit ćete. Želim s Vama podijeliti neke navike i druge stvari koje su mi pomogle da imam snažne
nokte, pa će se manje loših stvari noktima događat, pa se nećete toliko živcirat oko njih. :)
1. Find or create a manicure routine fitting for your nails. I watched videos, and did some online
research, combined things that work for me and that's how I created mine. BUT if you want to know
whose nail care/manicure routine videos I watched/still watch here are some names:
MySimpleLittlePleasures, LOVE4NAILS, ChaChaCakes, jessFACE90 and JummyNails.
Nađite ili kreirajte rutinu za manikuru koja odgovara Vašim noktima. Ja sam gledala videove, i istraživala online, kombinirala stvari što mi odgovaraju i tako sam stvorila svoju. ALI ako želite znati čije sam
njege noktiju/rutine za manikuru ja gledala/još gledam evo par imena:
MySimpleLittlePleasures, LOVE4NAILS, ChaChaCakes, jessFACE90 and JummyNails.
2. If something bad happens to your nails do not freak out. Take a DEEP breath, stay cool and stop whatever you're doing. Sit down for a few minutes and relax. You are still alive, so it's not that bad, okay?
Ako se nešto loše dogodi Vašim noktima ne paničarite. DUBOKO udahni, budi cool i prestani radit
što god si radila. Sjedni i opusti se par minuta. Još ste živi, pa nije sve tako loše, ok?
3. I hate them, but ok. When you're cleaning, doing the dishes ect wear gloves. Being in water for
a period of time softens your hands and nails, then if you bump into something or grab something
you could lose a nail, they could start peeling and all that bad things.
Ja ih mrzim, ali ok. Kad čistite, perete suđa itd nosite rukavice. Kad su duži period vremena u vodi, ruke i nokti Vam omekšaju, onda u nešto udarite ili nešto uhvatite čudno, ode nokat, ili će se počet listat i
druge loše stvari.
4. DO NOT USE YOUR NAILS AS TOOLS! Don't open a bag or anything else with your nails,
don't scrape labels or anything else with your nails, just don't!
NE KORISTITE NOKTE KAO ALAT! Ne otvarajte vrećicu ili bilo što drugo noktima, ne stružite
etikete ili bilo što drugo noktima, jednostavno nemojte!
5. If your nail breaks half the way, do not, do not even consider pulling the break straight across with your fingers! Use clippers, clip it, file it, you'll be fine.
Ako Vam nokat pukne do pola, nemojte, nemoje čak ni pomišljati da ga skroz slomite prstima!
Uzmite noktaricu, podšišajte ga i oturpijajte, bit ćete dobro.
6. If your nails start to peel, don't do it girl, don't peel the layers, NOOOOOOOOOO!
Buff it away, just buff away.
Ako Vam se nokti počnu guliti, ženska nemoj to radit, ne guli slojeve, NEEEEEEEEE!
Ispoliraj ga, samo ga ispoliraj.
7. If your cuticles start getting dry you get that loose dead skin, don't pull it or bite it.
Try not clipping it away either. Use a peeling or a scrub and try to get it off, or maybe buff
it away with a nail file.
Ako Vam se zanoktice počnu sušiti ili imate opuštenu mrtvu kožu, nemojte je čupkati ni gristi.
Pokušajte je i ne strići. Upotrijebite piling i pokušajte mrtvu kožu skinit s njim, ili je "ispolirajte"
rašpicom za nokte.
8. MOISTURIZE! When you get up, when you're relaxing, after you wash your hands, right before you go to sleep take a minute or 2 and moisturize your hands and cuticles. Put some cream, balm, oil or lotion on
and massage it into your hands, paying attention to your cuticles. That way you'll stimulate blood flow and
your nail will grow faster, stronger and longer.
HIDRATIZIRAJTE! Kad se ustanete, kad se opuštate, nakon što operete ruke, prije nego zaspete
odvojite minut, 2 i hidratizirajte ruke i zanoktice. Uzmite malo kreme, balzama, ulja ili losiona i
umasirajte ga u ruke, obraćajući pozornost na zanoktice. Tako ćete stimulirat cirkulaciju i nokti će Vam
rasti brže, biti će jači i duži.
9. Make a "SAVE MY HANDS AND NAILS" bag. Get a cute bag, put in all the stuff that will help
you if something bad happens to your hands and nails. Put in some oil, cream, nail clippers and files, polish remover, cotton pads... Basically everything you'd use for a manicure in a bag and carry it in your purse. If anything happens you can fix it wherever you are.
Napravite "SPASI MI RUKE I NOKTE" torbicu. Nađite slatku torbicu, neseser, stavite u nju sve stvari
koje će Vam pomoć ako se nešto loše dogodi Vašim rukama ili noktima. Stavite u nju ulje, kremu,
noktaricu i turpije, odstranjivač laka, vatice... Uglavnom sve osnovne stvari za manikuru u torbici i nosite je
sa sobom u torbi. Ako se nešto dogodi možete to popraviti gdje god se nalazite.
10. Where do you spend most of your time when you're home? In the living room? At your desk? By the
computer? Think about it for a second. Now put some lotion, cream, oil or anything moisturizing there!
May be odd, but trust me, it works. I have creams all around my house. No, seriously. I have a cream, oil and a lotion by my computer, I spend a lot of time there. I have bunch of creams, butters and lotions in my bathroom, cream on my desk in the living room, cream, lotion, butter and oil by my bed......
Why? If you see it, you'll make yourself use it!
Gdje provodite najviše vremena kad ste kod kuće? U dnevnoj sobi? Za stolom? Za kompjuterom?
Razmislite o tome sekundu. Sad stavite losion, kremu, ulje ili bilo što hidratizirajuće na to mjesto!
Možda je čudno, ali vjerujte mi, djeluje. Ja imam kreme po cijeloj kući. Ne, ozbiljno. Imam kremu, ulje
i losion kraj kompjutera, tu provodim dosta vremena. Imam hrpu krema, maslaca i losiona u kupaonici,
kremu na stolu u dnevnoj sobi, kremu, losion, maslac i ulje kraj kreveta. Zašto?
Zato jer kad ih vidite, natjerat ćete se da ih koristite!
And those are the best tips I can give you. I did all of mistakes I mentioned in the past and now I don't.
I hope some of my tips will help you, and if you have some of your own tips or habits please write them down, I'd love to know.
I ovo su najbolji savjeti što Vam mogu dati. Prije sam radila sve pogreške koje sam spomenula, sad ne.
Nadam se da će Vam neki moji savjeti pomoći, i ako imate neke svoje savjete ili navike molim Vas
napišite ih, voljela bih znati.
I have a St. Patric's day manicure coming soon and yes, another haul. So keep coming back. :)
Thank you for your time, until next post, byeeeeeeeee. :*
Uskoro ću postat manikuru za dan Sv. Patrika i da, još jedan haul post. Navratite ponekad. :)
Hvala Vam na Vašem vremenu, do sljedećeg posta, pozdraaaaaaaav. :*
Pozdrav ljudi!
Today I ran across some nail care videos on youtube. The ladies I watch are so, they just seem so
happy and calm to me on screen. If they break a nail, they film it and they're like I got a brake,
I'll just cut my nails and file them, they'll grow and be long again, nothing to stress about.
And I'm like that. In general I'm relaxed most of the time, we all have our worries but, I'm a
"The glass is half-full" person. On the other side, so many things just make me go crazy each and every day.
For example, if we meet up and we go eat something. Don't chew with your mouth open.
I react bad to that and I can not control that. I just go crazy, so most of the time I can't eat with
someone, or even alone without music blasting on my headphones.
Or, my cleaning habits. I clean ever day for 2-3, sometimes even more hours.
Fully aware of the fact that everything is clean, but I just need to clean
it again so I can be 100% sure that everything is clean. Many other things bother me so I'm happy
but very nervous. If you're like me in some way when something bad happens to your nails
you will freak out. I want to share some tips and habits that help me have stronger nails, therefore,
less bad things happen to them, therefore I don't stress that much about them. :)
Danas sam naišla na neke videove o njezi noktiju na youtubeu. Dame koje ja gledam su, čine se tako
sretne i smirene na ekranu. Ako slome nokat, one to snime i kažu slomila sam nokat,
samo ću ih podšišati i oturpijat, opet će narast i biti dugi opet, ne treba se živcirat.
I ja sam takva. Općenito sam opuštena većinu vremena, svi imamo svoje brige, ali sam
"Čaša je napola puna" osoba. S druge strane, toliko stvari izluđuje svaki dan.
Na primjer, ako se nađemo i idemo nešto pojest. Nemojte žvakat otvorenih usta.
Reagiram vrlo loše na to i nemogu se kontrolirat. Jednostavno poludim, tako većinu vremena nemogu
jest s nekim, ili čak sama bez glasne glazbe na slušalicama.
Ili, moje navike čišćenja. Čistim svaki dan 2-3, nekad čak i više sati. Totalno svjesna činjenice da je sve čisto, ali ću opet očistiti samo da budem 100% sigurna da je sve čisto. Puno drugih stvari me živcira pa
sam sretna ali vrlo nervozna. Ako ste ovakva kao ja kad se nešto loše dogodi Vašim noktima,
poludit ćete. Želim s Vama podijeliti neke navike i druge stvari koje su mi pomogle da imam snažne
nokte, pa će se manje loših stvari noktima događat, pa se nećete toliko živcirat oko njih. :)
1. Find or create a manicure routine fitting for your nails. I watched videos, and did some online
research, combined things that work for me and that's how I created mine. BUT if you want to know
whose nail care/manicure routine videos I watched/still watch here are some names:
MySimpleLittlePleasures, LOVE4NAILS, ChaChaCakes, jessFACE90 and JummyNails.
Nađite ili kreirajte rutinu za manikuru koja odgovara Vašim noktima. Ja sam gledala videove, i istraživala online, kombinirala stvari što mi odgovaraju i tako sam stvorila svoju. ALI ako želite znati čije sam
njege noktiju/rutine za manikuru ja gledala/još gledam evo par imena:
MySimpleLittlePleasures, LOVE4NAILS, ChaChaCakes, jessFACE90 and JummyNails.
2. If something bad happens to your nails do not freak out. Take a DEEP breath, stay cool and stop whatever you're doing. Sit down for a few minutes and relax. You are still alive, so it's not that bad, okay?
Ako se nešto loše dogodi Vašim noktima ne paničarite. DUBOKO udahni, budi cool i prestani radit
što god si radila. Sjedni i opusti se par minuta. Još ste živi, pa nije sve tako loše, ok?
3. I hate them, but ok. When you're cleaning, doing the dishes ect wear gloves. Being in water for
a period of time softens your hands and nails, then if you bump into something or grab something
you could lose a nail, they could start peeling and all that bad things.
Ja ih mrzim, ali ok. Kad čistite, perete suđa itd nosite rukavice. Kad su duži period vremena u vodi, ruke i nokti Vam omekšaju, onda u nešto udarite ili nešto uhvatite čudno, ode nokat, ili će se počet listat i
druge loše stvari.
4. DO NOT USE YOUR NAILS AS TOOLS! Don't open a bag or anything else with your nails,
don't scrape labels or anything else with your nails, just don't!
NE KORISTITE NOKTE KAO ALAT! Ne otvarajte vrećicu ili bilo što drugo noktima, ne stružite
etikete ili bilo što drugo noktima, jednostavno nemojte!
5. If your nail breaks half the way, do not, do not even consider pulling the break straight across with your fingers! Use clippers, clip it, file it, you'll be fine.
Ako Vam nokat pukne do pola, nemojte, nemoje čak ni pomišljati da ga skroz slomite prstima!
Uzmite noktaricu, podšišajte ga i oturpijajte, bit ćete dobro.
6. If your nails start to peel, don't do it girl, don't peel the layers, NOOOOOOOOOO!
Buff it away, just buff away.
Ako Vam se nokti počnu guliti, ženska nemoj to radit, ne guli slojeve, NEEEEEEEEE!
Ispoliraj ga, samo ga ispoliraj.
7. If your cuticles start getting dry you get that loose dead skin, don't pull it or bite it.
Try not clipping it away either. Use a peeling or a scrub and try to get it off, or maybe buff
it away with a nail file.
Ako Vam se zanoktice počnu sušiti ili imate opuštenu mrtvu kožu, nemojte je čupkati ni gristi.
Pokušajte je i ne strići. Upotrijebite piling i pokušajte mrtvu kožu skinit s njim, ili je "ispolirajte"
rašpicom za nokte.
8. MOISTURIZE! When you get up, when you're relaxing, after you wash your hands, right before you go to sleep take a minute or 2 and moisturize your hands and cuticles. Put some cream, balm, oil or lotion on
and massage it into your hands, paying attention to your cuticles. That way you'll stimulate blood flow and
your nail will grow faster, stronger and longer.
HIDRATIZIRAJTE! Kad se ustanete, kad se opuštate, nakon što operete ruke, prije nego zaspete
odvojite minut, 2 i hidratizirajte ruke i zanoktice. Uzmite malo kreme, balzama, ulja ili losiona i
umasirajte ga u ruke, obraćajući pozornost na zanoktice. Tako ćete stimulirat cirkulaciju i nokti će Vam
rasti brže, biti će jači i duži.
9. Make a "SAVE MY HANDS AND NAILS" bag. Get a cute bag, put in all the stuff that will help
you if something bad happens to your hands and nails. Put in some oil, cream, nail clippers and files, polish remover, cotton pads... Basically everything you'd use for a manicure in a bag and carry it in your purse. If anything happens you can fix it wherever you are.
Napravite "SPASI MI RUKE I NOKTE" torbicu. Nađite slatku torbicu, neseser, stavite u nju sve stvari
koje će Vam pomoć ako se nešto loše dogodi Vašim rukama ili noktima. Stavite u nju ulje, kremu,
noktaricu i turpije, odstranjivač laka, vatice... Uglavnom sve osnovne stvari za manikuru u torbici i nosite je
sa sobom u torbi. Ako se nešto dogodi možete to popraviti gdje god se nalazite.
10. Where do you spend most of your time when you're home? In the living room? At your desk? By the
computer? Think about it for a second. Now put some lotion, cream, oil or anything moisturizing there!
May be odd, but trust me, it works. I have creams all around my house. No, seriously. I have a cream, oil and a lotion by my computer, I spend a lot of time there. I have bunch of creams, butters and lotions in my bathroom, cream on my desk in the living room, cream, lotion, butter and oil by my bed......
Why? If you see it, you'll make yourself use it!
Gdje provodite najviše vremena kad ste kod kuće? U dnevnoj sobi? Za stolom? Za kompjuterom?
Razmislite o tome sekundu. Sad stavite losion, kremu, ulje ili bilo što hidratizirajuće na to mjesto!
Možda je čudno, ali vjerujte mi, djeluje. Ja imam kreme po cijeloj kući. Ne, ozbiljno. Imam kremu, ulje
i losion kraj kompjutera, tu provodim dosta vremena. Imam hrpu krema, maslaca i losiona u kupaonici,
kremu na stolu u dnevnoj sobi, kremu, losion, maslac i ulje kraj kreveta. Zašto?
Zato jer kad ih vidite, natjerat ćete se da ih koristite!
And those are the best tips I can give you. I did all of mistakes I mentioned in the past and now I don't.
I hope some of my tips will help you, and if you have some of your own tips or habits please write them down, I'd love to know.
I ovo su najbolji savjeti što Vam mogu dati. Prije sam radila sve pogreške koje sam spomenula, sad ne.
Nadam se da će Vam neki moji savjeti pomoći, i ako imate neke svoje savjete ili navike molim Vas
napišite ih, voljela bih znati.
I have a St. Patric's day manicure coming soon and yes, another haul. So keep coming back. :)
Thank you for your time, until next post, byeeeeeeeee. :*
Uskoro ću postat manikuru za dan Sv. Patrika i da, još jedan haul post. Navratite ponekad. :)
Hvala Vam na Vašem vremenu, do sljedećeg posta, pozdraaaaaaaav. :*
Thank you very much n_n It's my first attempt at drawing a peacock feather :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you for your words n_n <3