Inspiration: Peacock feather nail art by Nail crazy - Replica: Peadick feather nail art by GleeTree92
Hello again you guys!
Pozdrav opet ljudi!
I've always wanted to try and draw peacock feathers, and as soon as I saw this post
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I had to try and draw peacock, I mean, peadick feathers. So here's what I did and ended up with.
Uvijek sam htjela probati nacrtat paunovo pero, i čim sam ovaj post vidila
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morala sam pokušati nacrtati *šala-ne-funkcionira-prevedena-na-hrvatski* paunovo pero.
Evo što sam radila i s čime sam završila.
- White, blue and black acrylic paint
- EVELINE 8in1 Base Coat
- essence 170 beijos de brazil (on all nails / na svim noktima)
- S.H.C 21 (on all nails except both ring fingers / na svim noktima osim na oba prstenjaka)
- essence 140 go bold! (dot on both feathers / po točkicu na oba pera)
- veryme Secrets 27083 DRK PNKSPARKLE (a few stripes on both feathers / po par crtica na oba pera)
- EVELINE 3in1 Top Coat
- essence striper & a toothpick
I was practicing my drawing skills on bare nails. / Vježbala sam crtanje na golim noktima.
Bare nails and nails with base coat. / Goli nokti i nokti s baznim lakom.
2 coats of essence 170 beijos de brazil. LOVE! / 2 sloja essence 170 beijos de brazil. VOLIM!
Sorry for the picture spam, but I went crazy over this color and this manicure!
Ispričavam se na spamu slikama, ali sam poludila za ovom bojom i manikurom!
Aaaaaalmost done! / Skoooooooro gotova!
Both taken outside in the shade, the sun is so bright today! :D
Obe slikane vani u sjeni, sunce tako jako danas sja! :D
These were taken indoors. / Ove sam slikala u kući.
Now the short version! I did them for my friend, and using these products:
Sad kratka verzija! Napravila sam ih prijateljici, koristeći ove proizvode:
- EVELINE 8in1 Base Coat
- essence 170 beijos de brazil (on all nails / na svim noktima)
- S.H.C 21 (on all nails except both ring fingers / na svim noktima osim na oba prstenjaka)
- smart girls 95 (to draw the feather / za crtanje pera)
- smart girls 44 (also for the feather / također za pero)
- veryme Secrets 27083 DRK PNKSPARKLE (also for the feather / također za pero)
- essence 140 go bold! (for dots on the feathers / za točkice na perima)
- RH VICTORIA 314 (for dots on the feathers / za točkice na perima)
- essence 128 let's get lost (for dots on the feathers / za točkice na perima)
- EVELINE 3in1 Top Coat
- essence striper & toothpick
And what we got: / I što smo dobili:
I hope you liked my go at the peadick feather design.
A big THANK YOU to Nail crazy for inspiring me to finally try this! :D
Here's her blog, go check her out - -
She's awesome, has a great blog and I kinda stalk it.
So, until next time, I hope you try to do this design yourself and if you've already done it please leave a
link here or tweet me a pic so I can see it, it's linked on the right side of the blog.
If you want to know more about something or ask me anything about anything don't be shy.
Byeeeeeeeeeeeee :*
Nadam se da Vam se svidio moj pokušaj crtanja
*šala-opet-ne-funkcionira-prevedena-sigh* paunovog pera.
Veliko HVALA Nail crazy koja me je inspirirala da ovo konačno pokušam! :D
Evo njenog bloga, *evo-nešto-na-mom-jeziku* NU BLOGA - -
Zakon je, ima odličan blog i ono nekako je stalkan.
Pa, do sljedećeg puta, nadam se da ćete i Vi pokušat ovo nacrtat i ako ste već ovo radili molim Vas
ostavite link ovdje ili mi pošaljite sliku na twitter, link je na desnoj strani bloga.
Ako želite znati više o nečemu ili me pitat nešto o nečemu nemojte se sramit.
Pozdraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaav :*
Pozdrav opet ljudi!
I've always wanted to try and draw peacock feathers, and as soon as I saw this post
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I had to try and draw peacock, I mean, peadick feathers. So here's what I did and ended up with.
Uvijek sam htjela probati nacrtat paunovo pero, i čim sam ovaj post vidila
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morala sam pokušati nacrtati *šala-ne-funkcionira-prevedena-na-hrvatski* paunovo pero.
Evo što sam radila i s čime sam završila.
- White, blue and black acrylic paint
- EVELINE 8in1 Base Coat
- essence 170 beijos de brazil (on all nails / na svim noktima)
- S.H.C 21 (on all nails except both ring fingers / na svim noktima osim na oba prstenjaka)
- essence 140 go bold! (dot on both feathers / po točkicu na oba pera)
- veryme Secrets 27083 DRK PNKSPARKLE (a few stripes on both feathers / po par crtica na oba pera)
- EVELINE 3in1 Top Coat
- essence striper & a toothpick
I was practicing my drawing skills on bare nails. / Vježbala sam crtanje na golim noktima.
Bare nails and nails with base coat. / Goli nokti i nokti s baznim lakom.
2 coats of essence 170 beijos de brazil. LOVE! / 2 sloja essence 170 beijos de brazil. VOLIM!
Sorry for the picture spam, but I went crazy over this color and this manicure!
Ispričavam se na spamu slikama, ali sam poludila za ovom bojom i manikurom!
Aaaaaalmost done! / Skoooooooro gotova!
Both taken outside in the shade, the sun is so bright today! :D
Obe slikane vani u sjeni, sunce tako jako danas sja! :D
These were taken indoors. / Ove sam slikala u kući.
Now the short version! I did them for my friend, and using these products:
Sad kratka verzija! Napravila sam ih prijateljici, koristeći ove proizvode:
- EVELINE 8in1 Base Coat
- essence 170 beijos de brazil (on all nails / na svim noktima)
- S.H.C 21 (on all nails except both ring fingers / na svim noktima osim na oba prstenjaka)
- smart girls 95 (to draw the feather / za crtanje pera)
- smart girls 44 (also for the feather / također za pero)
- veryme Secrets 27083 DRK PNKSPARKLE (also for the feather / također za pero)
- essence 140 go bold! (for dots on the feathers / za točkice na perima)
- RH VICTORIA 314 (for dots on the feathers / za točkice na perima)
- essence 128 let's get lost (for dots on the feathers / za točkice na perima)
- EVELINE 3in1 Top Coat
- essence striper & toothpick
And what we got: / I što smo dobili:
I hope you liked my go at the peadick feather design.
A big THANK YOU to Nail crazy for inspiring me to finally try this! :D
Here's her blog, go check her out - -
She's awesome, has a great blog and I kinda stalk it.
So, until next time, I hope you try to do this design yourself and if you've already done it please leave a
link here or tweet me a pic so I can see it, it's linked on the right side of the blog.
If you want to know more about something or ask me anything about anything don't be shy.
Byeeeeeeeeeeeee :*
Nadam se da Vam se svidio moj pokušaj crtanja
*šala-opet-ne-funkcionira-prevedena-sigh* paunovog pera.
Veliko HVALA Nail crazy koja me je inspirirala da ovo konačno pokušam! :D
Evo njenog bloga, *evo-nešto-na-mom-jeziku* NU BLOGA - -
Zakon je, ima odličan blog i ono nekako je stalkan.
Pa, do sljedećeg puta, nadam se da ćete i Vi pokušat ovo nacrtat i ako ste već ovo radili molim Vas
ostavite link ovdje ili mi pošaljite sliku na twitter, link je na desnoj strani bloga.
Ako želite znati više o nečemu ili me pitat nešto o nečemu nemojte se sramit.
Pozdraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaav :*
wow, počelo me se i citirati, znači da postajem faca ahahaha
OdgovoriIzbrišinu, dobra ti je ta zelena boja, nokti još bolji... a i konačna manikura uopće nije loša, meni se sviđa :D
blago tebi na takvoj prijateljici, sve manikure stigneš odradit u duplo ;)
Meni već jesi odavno, samo da kažen da osim što gledan nove, skrolan ti po starim postovima i označavan dokud sam došla da se ne pogubim :D Moja prija, tj nevista, najbolja za manikuru. Paše joj sve :D Hvala ti :D :*
Izbrišioh kako ovo super izgleda.ovaj zelembac je super!
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala draga :D <3
IzbrišiThank you for your words n_n <3