Sisters Manicure: Lemme swatch this really quick!


Hello my dear friends!

My sister let me do her nails again, so with her consent, I swatched 2 polishes that I already hauled!
I think I'm starting to catch up with my hauls and designs finally LOL.

Pozdrav lipi moji!

Sestra mi je dopustila da joj radin nokte, pa uz njen pristanak, swatchala san 2 laka koja san već haulala!
Mislin da polako sustižen ove svoje haulove i dizajne konačno LOL.

What I used: / Koristila san:

- EVELINE 8in1 base coat
- Gabrini M111
- deBBy magnetic 07 MOON
- essence quick dry top coat

Gabrini M111 1 coat

Here I did a bit of a thicker coat. M111 is a bright blue polish with a crelly formula.
The color in the bottle reminds me of my previous favorite blue polish, essences 'Chuck'.

Tu san mazala prilično debel sloj. M111 je jarko plavi lak sa crelly formulon.
Boja u bočici me podsjeća na mog prethodno najdražeg plavog laka, essenceovog 'Chuck'-a.

deBBy 07 'MOON' 1 coat
I topped M111 with deBBy's 'MOON'.
This is my first experience with magnetic polishes, believe it or not. I don't follow trends at all,
and when these we're the hit I was just like fuck that. This summer I saw a bunch of them so I let in
and bought a few just so my collection wasn't 'magnetic polish free'. Not sure how I feel about them,
the effect is cool, but I think I won't be buying magnetic polishes anymore.
As for 'MOON', don't know what to say. I don't know what magnetic polishes are supposed to be like.
This one is surprisingly sheer and that's all I got to say about it.

Na M111 sam mazala deBBy 'MOON'.
Ovo je moje prvo iskustvo sa magnetik lakovima, virovali ili ne. Uopće ne pratin trendove, i kad su ovi bili
žhit ja san mislila jebeš to. Litos san ih vidila hrpu pa san popustila i kupila par samo da ih iman u kolekciji.
Neznan šta osjećan prema njima, efekt je zanimljiv, ali mislin da magnetik lakove više neću kupovat.
A za 'MOON', neznan šta da kažen. Neznan kakvi bi magnetni lakovi tribali bit.
Ovaj je iznenađujuće rijedak i to je sve što mogu reć o njemu.

I finished the manicure by adding a layer of top coat. I just want to draw some attention to
the HIM ring. Isn't it gorgeous? It's too big for my fingers, I put it on a chain and wore it as a necklace,
but obviously my sister tore it up LOL.

Završila san manikuru slojem nadlaka. Tila bi malo skrenit pažnju na  HIM prsten. Jelde da je predivan?
Prevelik je za moje prste, stavila ga na lanac i nosila ko lančić, ali ga je moja sestra očito pukla LOL.

That's all for this post, hope you enjoyed it.
Thank you all for your time!
Take care and enjoy,
until next post,
byeee xoxoxo

Ovo je sve za ovaj post, nadan se da ste uživali.
Hvala Vam na Vašem vremenu!
Pazite se i uživajte,
do sljedećeg posta,
pozdraaav xoxoxo

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