Broccoli creep


Hey people! / Pozdrav ljudi!

When drawing vegetables, draw them creepy, right?

Kad crtate povrće, crtate ga čudno, jel de?

What I used: / Koristila sam:

- plastic spoon / plastičnu žlicu
- small flat brush / mali plosnati kist
- striping brush / tanki kist
- toothpick / čačkalicu
- green, light green, white & black acrylic paint / zelenu, svijetlo zelenu, bijelu i crnu akrilnu boju

Draw a green tree lol. Put some eyes on. / Nacrtajte zeleno drvo lol. Stavite mu oči.

Add some details with black paint and a striping brush. When drawing go for that look called
'I will take your soul if you don't eat me'.

Dodajte par detalja crnom bojom i tankim kistom. Kad budete crtali ciljajte na izgled zvan
'Dušu ću ti uzet ako me ne budeš jeo'.

To creepy? / Prekripi?

I hope you liked this. Stay tuned for more of these posts.
Thank you for your time. I hope you have a great day.
Until next post, byeeeeeeeee :D

Nadam se da Vam se ovo svidilo. Pratite me jer će bit još ovakih postova.
Hvala Vam na Vašem vremenu. Nadam se da ćete imati odličan dan.
Do sljedećeg posta, pozdraaaaaaav :D

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Thank you for your words n_n <3

