Haulin' it: Polish Edition: Vol.6


Hello my lovely friends!

Today I have another haul for you guys. It's from the brand called 'Pacific Rapsodi'.
I've decided not to split it this time, but to put all the polishes in one post.
There are a lot of them, so I'll just begin now.

Pozdrav lipi moji!

Danas za Vas iman još 1 haul. Lakovi su marke 'Pacific Rapsodi'.
Ovaj put san odlučila da je ne podjelin, nego da sve skupin u 1 post.
Ima ih dosta, pa ću odman početi. :)


Cream shade polish with not even a jelly, but a water formula. I tried this polish out, though I'd use it for my first 'Jelly Sandwich' manicure, but it was, it's pretty much almost clear.

Krem nijansa laka koji čak nema ni jelly, nego baš vodenastu formulu. Probala san ga, mislila san ga koristit za prvu 'Jelly Sandwich' manikuru, ali je, skoro pa je proziran.


A darker nude color with a crelly formula. I consider this polish as 'out of my comfort zone'.
As you hopefully know, I like all kinds of color polishes BUT, this looks like a few shades darker
then my skin tone and it freaks me out. You know when you get a foundation and it's a few shades darker
then your skin tone? That's how I feel about it.

Tamniji nude lak sa crelly formulon. Ovaj lak smatran 'izvan moje zone udobnosti'. Ko što već
nadan se znate, ja volin sve boje lakova ALI, ovaj izgleda par nijansi tamnije od mog tena i stvarno
neznan šta ću s njin. Znate kad uzmete puder pa je par nijansi tamniji od Vašeg tena? Tako ja osjećan
za ovaj lak.


I've used this polish in my 'Jelly Sandwich' manicure and I loved it.
As I said in that post, a pretty pale pink polish perfect for a french manicure.

Ovaj san lak koristila u 'Jelly Sandwich' manikuri i obožavan ga.
Ko što san rekla u tom post, lipi svitlo rozi lak savršen za francusku manikuru.


Whatever I said for 04 goes for this one too, but I consider this a warm toned neutral so
not too freaked out by this one.

Što god san rekla za 04 vridi i za ovaj, ali ovog smatran neutralnim lakon toplijih tonova pa
me ovaj ne straši toliko.


Deep pink color with a silver shimmer, the finish is something between a frost and a pearl.
Believe it or not, I already have a manicure in mind involving this polish! :)

Tamno roza boja sa srebrenim shimmeron, finiš je negdi između frost-a i pearl-a.
Virovali ili ne, već iman manikuru u planu koja uključuje ovaj lak! :)


I believe the finish on this polish is the same as it is in 09. This is a pretty rose color.
This color is so so comforting for me, my mom and aunt wore nail polishes this color a lot
when I was a kid. My mom still likes these kind of colors, my aunt is more of a chunky
glitter person now, wonder why? ;)

Virujen da ovaj lak ima isti finiš ko 09. Ovo je lipa boja ruže.
Ova boja mi je tako utješna, mama i strina su uvik nosile lakove ovake boje dok san bila mala.
Moja mama još voli ovake boje, strina mi je sad više za chunky šljokice, pitate se zašto? ;)


Bright deep pink color with a crelly formula. It makes me want to eat strawberry candy LOL.ž

Jarko tamna roza boja sa crelly formulon. Zbog ovoga želin ist slatkiše od jagode LOL.


Fuchsia pink color, crelly formula. I think I'm becoming slightly obsessed with these kind of
fuchsia, purple-pink colors lately. 'My green faze' has been going on for almost a year now, and 2-3
days ago I took my dad shopping (will my haul series ever end) and all of a sudden I was holding
5 polishes this shade, crazy huh?

Fuksija roza boja, crelly formula. Mislin da polako postajen pomalo opsjednuta ovakvin fuksija,
ljubičasto-rozin bojama u zadnje vrime. 'Moja zelena faza' traje već skoro godinu dana već, i prije
2-3 dana san vodila tatu u kupovinu (oće li ovi moji haul-ovi ikad završit) i odjednon san skontala
da držin 5 lakova ove nijanse, ludo jel da?


Finally! Just a simple purple cream polish.

Konačno! Samo jednostavni ljubičasti cream lak.


Gorgeous yellow-green color with a, I'll scratch my previous description, crelly formula.
Used it for my 'Studded Fall' design.

Krasni žuto-zeleni lak sa, brišem svoj prethodni opis, crelly formulon.
Koristila san ga za svoj 'Studded Fall' dizajn.


Bright orange color with a crelly formula. Look how bright it is! I mean, someone hit me, hit me with
an orange.

Jarko narančasta boja sa crelly formulon. Ovaj lak zrači, nu! Neka me neko udari, pogodite me narančon.


Medium toned blue color with a cream formula. I think this color is a great all year round color,
but I think it'll be best for winter, when it will match my hands. So cold right now.

Srednje plava boja sa cream formulon. Mislin da je ova boja super za kroz cilu godinu,
ali mislin da je najbolja za zimu, kad će bit u skladu s mojin rukama. Tako mi je ladno sad.


Dark royal blue color with a silver shimmer in it, looks to me it has a frosty finish.
This one reminds me of my all time favorite blue polish, S-he 291.
It's so perfect and elegant, I love it.

Tamno svečana plava boja sa srebrenim shimmeron, meni izgleda ko da ima frosty finiš.
Ovaj me podsjeća na mog najdražeg plavog laka ikad, S-he 291.
Tako je savršen i elegantan, obožavan ga.


Medium toned green polish with an almost cream formula.

Srednje zelena boja sa skoro cream formulon.


Basic black polish with a crelly formula. I have it swatched here: - 'Sistrz Neilz'

Osnovni crni lak sa crelly formulon. Iman ga swatchanog tu: - 'Sistrz Neilz'


Bright tomato red color with a crelly formula.

Jarko pomidora (oke, rajčica -_-) crvena boja sa crelly formulon.


This one is very much darker in person, then it is here (I think I need just a plain black and white
background, even though this pink fluffy one is so pretty :'( ). It's a dark wine color with
a not so strong silver shimmer. Believe it will be a somewhat sheer polish, but with a frosty finish.

Ovaj je lak puno tamniji u stvarnosti (?), nego što je tu (mislin da triban jednostavnu crno bilu pozadinu,
iako je ova čupava roza preslatka :'( ). Ima boju crnog vina sa ne tajo jakin srebrenim shimmerom.
Mislim da će bit dobrano rijedak lak, ali sa frosty finišen.


Gray polish with a cream formula and an amazing gloss.
I've used it in 2 of my Halloween nail art designs, but the good swatch is in this one: -'Here kitty, kitty'

Sivi lak sa cream formulon i sa super sjajem.
Koristila san ga u 2 dizajna za Halloween, dobar swatch je u ovome: - 'Here kitty, kitty'


This is a dense silver glitter polish. Assuming it wasn't made to be a topper, but I'll use it as one
because you need at least 3-4 coats to get it opaque.

Ovo je prilično nabijeni srebreni šljokičasti lak. Pretpostavljan da nije napravljen da bude nadlak, ali 
ću ga ja tako koristiti jer tribate bar 3-4 sloja da pokrije nokat.

Rapsodi 165

The brand on these polishes is just 'Rapsodi' but I'm pretty sure they have the same maker.
This is just a basic white polish, which I love, and already used it a couple of times.
Swatched it here: - 'Simple Gradient Sparkle'

Marka na ovim lakovima je samo 'Rapsodi' ali skoro pa san sigurna da imaju istog proizvođača.
Ovo je običan bili lak, kojeg obožavan, i već san ga par puta koristila.
Swatchala ga tu: - 'Simple Gradient Sparkle'

Rapsodi 127

Brown polish with a hint of gold shimmer, has a metallic finish.
I think I used this polish like 10 times, and don't have a decent swatch.
I love it, I love it so much, it looks like sparkly milk chocolate and I want to eat it.

Smeđi lak sa mrvom zlatnog shimmera, ima metalik finiš.
Mislin da san ovaj lak koristila 10 puta, i neman dostojan swatch.
Obožavan ga, obožavan ga toliko puno, izgleda ko svjetlucava mliječna čokolada i ja bi ga poila.

Hello? Is anyone alive? Congratulations, this is the end of this post and you've made it!
I hope you guys enjoyed it, thank you for your time!
I need to include a special note on the end of this post.
I want to leave a HUGE THANK YOU for my friend Rafija <3! which I bothered for such a long time to bring me these awesome polishes. Thank you for understanding me and bearing with all my craziness,
you are a true friend of mine and I miss you so much! <3
She brought me those CR CAIRUO polishes also, and I've told you guys already how I reacted.
What I didn't tell you is that she made me so happy, I drove her insane with all the 'Thank you so much'
in person (I'm one of those kind of people) she just told me 'Go fuck yourself'.
I just love her, and I just hope you have someone similar in your life.
Take care and enjoy,
until next post,

Alo? Ima li živih? Čestitan, ovo je kraj ovoga posta i priživili ste!
Nadan se da Vam se svidilo, hvala Vam na Vašem vremenu!
Triban samo dodat nešto za kraj.
Želin ostaviti OGROMNU  ZAHVALU mojoj prijateljici Rafiji <3! koju san izgnjavila toliko dugo da mi
donese ove zakon lakove. Hvala ti što me razumiš i što se nosiš s mojin ludilon,
prava si mi prijateljica i baš mi užasno fališ! <3
Ona mi je donila i one CR CAIRUO lakove također, već san Vam rekla kako san reagirala.
Nisan Vam rekla da me je toliko usrećila da san je izludila sa toliko 'HVALA TI PUNO' uživo
(Da, ja san jedna od tih osoba) da me je poslala u kurac.
Ja je obožavan, i nadan se da imate nekoga sličnog u životu.
Pazite se i uživajte,
do sljedećeg posta,

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Thank you for your words n_n <3

