#Gleestmas2015 : Favorite Christmas Manicure Ever
Hello there my lovely friends!
Today I'll be showing you my manicure for the 5th theme of my Christmas Challenge, #Gleestmas2015.
Pozdrav lipi moji!
Danas ću Vam pokazati moju manikuru za 5. temu mog Božićnog izazova, #Gleestmas2015.
What I used:
Eveline 8in1 base coat
Catrice 18 Bloody Mary To Go
essence 'effect' 20 hidden garden
Eveline ' Gel Effect' top coat
I thought about this theme for a while and after thinking about it I was like what the hell are you thinking about so much? You love glitter. That's it. I love glitter. My favorite Christmas manicure ever is any manicure with glitter. For this manicure I chose a red polish as my background color and paired it up with a festive glitter polish which I applied on the nails with a sponge. Sealed it with a top coat and I was done. :)
Razmišljala san od ovoj temi dugo i nakon što je dugo vrimena prošlo rekoh sama sebi šta se razbijaš? Voliš šljokice. To je to. Moja omiljena Božićna manikura ikada je bilo kakva manikura sa šljokicama. Za ovu manikuru san odabrala crveni lak za pozadinu i uparila ga sa prigodnim šljokicama koje san na nokte nanosila sa spužvon. Pokrila sve slojem nadlaka i to je bilo to. :)
What do you guys think of this manicure? :) What's your favorite manicure ever?
Thank you for your time!
Take care and enjoy,
until next post,
Šta VI kažete na ovu manikuru? :) Koja je Vaša najdraža manikura ikad?
Hvala Vam na Vašem vremenu!
Pazite se i uživajte,
do sljedećeg posta,
Gliter je Essence? Veoma je lep.
OdgovoriIzbrišiDa, hidden garden se zove :D Fala draga :D
IzbrišiPredivni su!
OdgovoriIzbrišiFala puno :D <3
Izbrišisličnu manikuru sam napravila za prethodnu temu a za ovu znam sto ću. lipa manikura :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiFala draga :D
IzbrišiŠljokice su fantastične i odlično se uklapaju sa crvenom podlogom. :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you for your words n_n <3