Born Pretty Store: Candy Ice Cream Cone Nail Polish: Review
Hello there my lovely friends!
A few days ago I got a new package from Born Pretty Store with new items for reviewing and today I'll show you the cutest item I ordered this time.
Pozdrav lipi moji!
Prije par dana san dobila novi paket od Born Pretty Store-a sa novim stvarima što san naručila za recenziranje i danas ću Van pokazati meni najslađi predmet iz tog paketa.
2 coats
I picked out this Ice Cream Cone nail polish because OMG isn't this adorable!!!
The polish comes in this cute packaging which contains 12 ml of nail polish. Each bottle weighs 40g and it's height is 8cm. You have 12 colors to choose from but I wanted another white polish because I'm still in my white-black polish craze. The brush of the polish is basic, little bit thicker but flat and cut straight.
The handle isn't all that small, it's okay and I had no issues with working with it. The polish itself is a thick creme polish, still haven't tested it out but I'm pretty sure this could be my new white stamping polish.
The polish applies okay, but you have to be careful or else it'll look lumpy.
The polish comes in this cute packaging which contains 12 ml of nail polish. Each bottle weighs 40g and it's height is 8cm. You have 12 colors to choose from but I wanted another white polish because I'm still in my white-black polish craze. The brush of the polish is basic, little bit thicker but flat and cut straight.
The handle isn't all that small, it's okay and I had no issues with working with it. The polish itself is a thick creme polish, still haven't tested it out but I'm pretty sure this could be my new white stamping polish.
The polish applies okay, but you have to be careful or else it'll look lumpy.
Other than that it's a great polish and it dries really fast. the only downside is that it does have a strong smell, so if you're sensitive about those things do not recommend.
Odabrala san ovaj Sladoled lak jer je prisladak NU GA!!!
Lak dolazi u ovome slatkome pakiranju koje ima 12 ml proizvoda. Svaka bočica teži 40g i visoka je 8cm. Imate 12 boja za birat ali ja san još uvik u 'crno-bili lakovi su zakon' fazi pa san uzela bili. Kist laka je običan, malo je deblji al je plosnat i ravno rezan. Drška nije toliko mala i ja nisan imala problema pri mazanju s njon. Sami lak je krem lak, iako malo gušći pa se mislin da će mi bit super za pečatiranje. Lak se maže oke, iako se triba malo pripazit jer je baš gust pa da na kraju nebi izgleda grbav, tj neravan.
Sve u svemu lak je super i jako se brzo suši, jedina mana mu je smrad. Ala boja za auta ljudi pa ako ste osjetljivi na to ne priporučan nikako.
You can find this Candy Ice Cream Cone Nail Polish in the Nail Art section on Born Pretty Store now for 3,16$ and, if you'd like, you can use my 10% code off.
Ovaj Sladoled Lak za Nokte morete naći u Nail Art dilu na Born Pretty Store-u sad za 3,16$ i, ako želite, možete koristiti mojih 10% popusta.
What do you guys think of this polish?
Thank you for your time!
Take care and enjoy,
until next post,
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do sljedećeg posta,
Prekjut flašica, samo zbog nje bi kupila :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiI know right! :D :D
Izbrišima vid'ga sto je slatki :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiNisam odolila nikako :D
Izbrišipresladak je...iako ne volim bijele lakove,al ova bočica je baš fora :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiPakiranje je ono ej, da nemožeš :D Ja moram imat bili lakova puno poradi nail arta :D MORAM :D
IzbrišiI ja sam nešto u zadnje 2 godine baš freak za bile nokte :D Fala draga :D <3
OdgovoriIzbrišiRekla bih da ima i boljih belih lakova. Inače, sve mi se čini da sam već videla negde ovakve bočice, ali možda grešim. :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiOh ovaj je daleko od najboljeg, da-le-ko :D Neznam, ja sam ih vidla jedino na bps stranici :D
IzbrišiHajde honey please, please daj mi jedan liz, liz. :DD Bočica je ludilo. :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiFala draga :D <3
IzbrišiThank you for your words n_n <3