Pretty Ugly Sweater Manicure


Hello there my lovely friends!

As you can see by the title, today we're in for another manicure post n_n.
By now you should all probably know I'm kind of weird with everything. :D Right around October I was
already seeing the 'Ugly Sweaters' being posted everywhere, and saved 2 pictures that I liked to use as a
inspiration for this manicure. I love those sweaters and I'm sad to say I've grown out of all of my ugly sweaters. I should really buy one for next year. Maybe I just want to shop again, can't tell the difference anymore LOL. ANYWAY, as always, I got distracted by all the Christmas jazz, the nails, the decorations,
the challenges.......and forgot about this manicure.
Until a few days ago when I saw a video 'Ugly Sweater manicure' by Danijela.
I can't remember anymore where I noticed her, but giiiiirl, you know I got my creep mode on.
She made me remember what I wanted to do, and now I'll show you what I did. :D
(All of Danijela's links will be at the end of this post ;D )

Pozdrav lipi moji!

Ko što se da zaključit iz naslova, danas opet imamo manikuru na repertoaru n_n.
Do sad valjda znate kako san ja malo čudna oko svega :D. Negdi oko listopada san počela viđat 'Ružne džempere' svugdi, i 2 sam slike spremila da mi posluže za inspiraciju za ovu manikuru. ja volim te džempere i toliko mi je žao što san sve svoje prerasla (Zar nije proša pubertet čovječe, 22 su mi godine, ja to ne razumin). Tribala bi kupit 1 za dogodine. Možda bi samo opet u šoping, više želje i ludilo ne razlikujen ahahaah. OGLAVNON, ko uvik, ja san malo odlutala, sva strka oko Božića, nokti, dekoracije, izazovi....sve je to odvuklo moju pažnju i skoro san zaboravila na ovu manikuru.
Do prije par dana san naletila na video 'Ugly Sweater manikir' by Danijela.
Nemogu se sitit di san naletila na curu, ali eeeejjjjjjjjj, već kripan, iza svake ćoše virin hahaha.
Podsjetila me na to što sam željela radit, a sad ću Vam pokazat što san smislila. :D
(Svi Danijelini linkovi će biti na dnu posta ;D )

I have to say, I am dieing over this manicure. Almost wishing I did it sooner so I could enjoy it longer.
I want a sweater like my manicure. (Oh how humble of me...)

Moran reći, umiren oko ove manikure. Skoro poželim da sam je ranije radila da mogu duže uživat u njoj.
Želim džemper po uzoru na moju manikuru. (Preskromna san, znaaan ;D )

Wanted to mention and show you my bare nails. It's been 2 and a half months since I came home from working and I think they're doing fine. They've grown long to the point I got my 'old long nails' feeling back, where it's getting rather difficult to type without getting my nails stuck in the keyboard. That means a new 'era' is beginning for my nails. The 'Be careful, you're gonna bump into something with your nails' era.
They're strong, the cuticles are pretty nice and clean, I don't get as much of dead skin as I used to have, which is awesome. The only thing that bothers me a little bit is the fact that my pointer fingers are a tad yellow. But I'm aware they'll be yellow, I'm a smoker and I ain't stopping.
All in all, my nails are back to normal :D

Htjedoh spomenit i pokazat gole nokte. Prošla su 2 i po miseca otkad san se vratila sa (proklete) sezone i ja mislin da su solidni. Izresli su do te mjere da mi se vratio osjećaj 'starih dugih noktiju', di mi polako postaje prilično naporno tipkati bez da mi se nokat zaglavi u tipkovnici. To znači da počinje nova 'era' za moje nokte.
'Nemoj se za*ebavat s noktima, bubnit ćeš u nešto pa ćeš vidit' era, što me čini sritnom. Jaki su, zanoktice izgledaju uredno i čisto, neman toliko mrtve kože koliko san običavala imat, to mi je bitno. Jedina stvar koja mi malko smeta je da mi je kažiprst pomalo žut. Svjesna san da će uvik i bit žut, pušač san i ne pada mi na pamet pristat. Sve u svemu, noktići se vraćaju u normalu. :D

These are the 2 pics I took as an inspiration, even though Miley's sweater didn't inspire me as much as the other one. But that's because I was wearing red nails for almost 2 weeks in a row. O_O
I know, I'm still in shock :D.

Ove 2 slike san skinila za inspiraciju, iako me Mileyn džember nije ni približno inspirira kao ovaj drugi.
Ali to je zato što san 2 tjedna za redon imala crvene nokte. Znan, i ja san šokirana. :D

 I don't know what to say about the manicure except that it was all drawn freehand, except the blue nails with glitters. I painted my nails with my favorite blue polish, S-he 291, and took wet n wild's 'I'm with the band' - a clear base with medium sized silver hex glitters and placed them on my nail one by one with a toothpick. Even though it's little bit crooked (don't tell me it's not, I can notice that it is :D) I love it. 
What do you think? :Đ

Neznan šta da kažen o manikuri osim da je rađena freehand, osim plavih noktiju sa šljokicama. Za to sam nalakirala 2 sloja najdražeg plavog laka, S-he 291, zatim čačkalicom raspoređivala 1 po 1 šljokicu po noktu, a za to sam koristila wet n wild 'I'm with the band' lak, prozirna baza sa srednje velikim srebrenim hex šjokicama. Iako je malo ukriva (nemojte govorit da nije, kad ja vidin da je :D! ) volin ovu manikuru. 
Šta Vi kažete? :Đ

I know, I bombarded you with pictures *caughTHERE'S3MOREcaugh*, but it's adorable! <3
Thank you all for your time!
Big THANK YOU to Danijela for reminding me of what I want to do! :D
If you somehow don't know about this awesome girl, check her out, thank me later! <3
Take care and enjoy,
until next post,

Znan, izbombardirala san Vas sa slikama *kašljeIMAJUJOŠ3kašlje*, ali preslatka mi je! <3
Hvala Vam na Vašem vremenu!
Veliko HVALA Danijeli koja me je podsjetila na ono što ja želim radit! :D
Ako nekim slučajem neznate za ovu moćnu curu, pogledajte ovih par linkova, poslje mi zahvalite! <3
Pazite se i uživajte,
do sljedećeg posta,

Also I've entered Emily's Christmas Nail Art Gallery! Check out all of the gorgeous Christmas Nail Art
riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight here <3 Christmas Nail Art Gallery <3
Check it out, everyone's welcome to join and pump up our Christmas Spirit <3!

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  1. omg! it's adorable! Let's buy a sweater haha :D i love these ugly sweaters sooo!

    1. hahaha YAAAAAAS! Let's do it (I can't find them in Croatia, and girl these 'ugly' sweaters are rather expensivee, let's wait for the holidays to pass LOL). Thank you sweetie! n_n <3

    2. I googled the sweaters and found sooooo much! But they are so expensive! I found a beautiful 'ugly' :D sweater and it costs 150€ :( That's really tooooooo much! (and its on sale....)
      Our tree is gold and red this year :) and now my nails are grey :D maybe i show the pictures overmorrow, because tomorrow we celebrate christmas :) Furthermore my boyfriend has birthday tomorrow... :D We call him "Christ Child" haha :D
      He was very happy about your comment :) (me too!)
      We wish you and your loved ones a merry christmas too! :) <3333

    3. I know, I found some amazing shoes and a year later, still waiting for them to go on sale -_-" I'll be damned if I'll pay a pair of shoes 300$. :D LOL CHRIST CHILD. Okay, that's the single most amazing thing I heard all week!!!! <3 Thank you so much dear! :D :* <3

  2. ovi super izgleda! uopste me ne iznenadjuje !ti si pravi umetnik i deciji dzemper je preslikan
    svaka cast za glittere ja se ne usudjujem ni da zamislim tako nesto na svojim noktima da pocnem ..mnogo truda i strpljenja
    svaka cast ! PRELEPO!

  3. hehe, fora naziv manikure i opet super izvedeno :)

  4. Jako mi se sviđa manikura i ovaj drugi džemper :D A i nokti su ti stvarno wow!

    1. Hvala lipa, nu, ajmo svi u šoping za 'ružnim' džemperima haha :D n_n :*

  5. I ja volim božićne džempere, ali nikako da nađem onaj pravi (dođe mi da samo zbog tog džempera počnem plest). Manikura prekrasna i jako uredna, svaka čast! <3 :)

  6. Super si džemper prenijela na nokte ;) Škicni na Asos, oni znaju imati tih božićnih vestica na dosta velikom popustu ;).

  7. Cute mani! the blue polish is lovely. Merry Christmas!

    1. Thank you so much! it's gorgeous, but it's already getting king of thick :/ :)

  8. Jao koliko je ovo slatko. :) I šljokice, i irvasi...nikada ne bih uspela da ih ovako dobro nacrtam...stvarno svaka čast na umeću. :)

  9. i ja bih nosila takav džemper :D
    premoćna ti je manikura, naročito sobovi, odličan posao <3


Thank you for your words n_n <3

