Empties #3
15:30Hello there my lovely friends!
Today I'm showing you the products I've used up, and this is the first time I'm including a few crap
products. Hopefully that's exciting, these kind of posts and videos are my favorite ones! :D
Let's get into it :D
Pozdrav lipi moji!
Danas Vam pokazujem šta san sve uspila dokrajčit, i ovo je prvi put da uključujen par proizvoda koji
su, a ono, a sranje. Nadan se da ste uzbuđeni, ja obožavam ovake postove i videove! :D
Ajmo počet :D
GARNIER Ultra Doux Lavender blablabla and Apricot blablabla shampoo
I love these shampoos. They cleaned my hair so nice, didn't dry it out, didn't wash my color out and
after them my hair felt so smooth and light. I prefer the Apricot one because the smell is so nice
and magical.
Volim ove šampone. Tako mi lipo očiste kosu, ne isušuju je, nisu mi isprali boju i nakon njih mi kosa bude
tako glatka i lagana. Preferiram Marelicu jer miriše tako lipo i čarobno.
I don't know what's up with this shampoo but I haven't used it for the past 4 washes and my hair misses it
bad. It's my favorite shampoo and just. When I use this combined with GLISS Kur together my hair feels
amazing. Love, love, love it and need to get more.
Neznan šta je sa ovin šamponom ali ga nisan koristila zadnja 4 pranja i toliko fali mojoj kosi, ja nemogu virovat. Najdraži mi je šampon i ja ono. Kad ga koristin u kombinaciji sa GLISS Kurom moja kosa bude
predivna. Volin, volin, volin i pod hitno triban u šoping po još njega (i ono, još puno stvari haha).
Palmolive naturals Caressing & luminous shampoo
It was quite nice, liked the smell, but nothing too special.
Bio je dobar, sviđao mi se miris, ali sad da ludujen oko njega, ne baš.
KEUNE Conditioner Keratin Smoothing
Dear Lord, how expensive this was. I bought it this summer and I hate to say I liked it.
I used it as a hair mask tho, and love everything about it, except one this.
Girl, you ain't Gliss. I hope i don't go crazy again and buy it, they are much MUCH cheaper products that
are better than this.
Isuse Bože kako je ovo bilo skupo. Kupila san ga litos i mrzin reć da mi se svidio.
Koristila san ga kao masku za kosu, i sve mi se svidilo što je radio, osim jedne stvari.
Nisi Gliss, adio. Nadan se da neću opet poludit i kupit ga, ima puno PUNO jeftinijih stvari koje su
bolje od ovoga.
Schwarzkopf GLISS Hyaluron + Hair filler express-repair conditioner
My hair crack for the past 7 years. From time to time I find an alternative that I think it could replace it, but no. Honey, no. There is nothing that I've tried that could ever, not even in a... NEVER replace this in my hair routine. No. If I don't have it in my town, you better be damn sure I'm traveling to get this.
If you have crazy hair that you hate to comb and a sensitive scalp, this is what you need. YES!
Moj krek za kosu ima 7 godina. S vrimena na vrime nađen neku alternativu za koju pomislin da bi ga mogla zaminit. Dušo draga, ne. Ništa što san ja ikad probala, čak ni u...NIKAD NIŠTA ovo nemože zaminit u
mojoj rutini za kosu. NE. Ako ga nemogu nać u svome gradu, bolje da ste sigurni da putujen po njega.
Ako imate ludu kosu koju mrzite češljat i osjetljivo vlasište, ovo Vam triba. DA, DA!
REVIVOR hair conditioner
I got this as a gift, and thankfully, you can't find this in Croatia.
Should have taken a single picture of it to put it in the crap section. Okay, so I had this for a while now and
a few weeks ago I was like 'I'll use it up finally, it'll go bad'. My hair is so long it took almost half of this tube
to cover it decently. It did make my hair softer, but it gave me the worst dandruff I've had in years.
I was walking around my house, to afraid to even go outside because people might think I was somewhere where snow was falling. Be gone, revivor...of freaking dandruff.
Dobila san ovo na poklon, ali zahvaljujen Bogu, nemožete ovo nać u Hrvatskoj.
Tribala san ga samog slikat da ga mogu stavit i dio 'sranje'. Ok, iman ga već neko vrime i prije par tjedana
pomislin 'Idem ga iskoristit, pokvarit će se'. Kosa mi je toliko duga da je tribalo pa skoro pola ove tube da je pristojno pokrije. Učinilo mi je kosu mekšon, i da mi najgori slučaj prhuti koju godinama nisan imala.
Odala san samo po kući, bojeći se da ako izađen nekoga ću srist pa će me pitat di pada snig.
Mak' se, oživljaču....proklete prhuti.
SYOSS Shine-sealing shampoo
It was a nice shampoo, nothing too special about it.
Dobar šampon, ništa posebno.
Fa Black Amethyst & Pink Viola shower cream
I love Fa anything, as you see here I use a lot of their products. I liked this smell, I tend to use it
during winter, don't like it quite as much during summer. Awesome shower cream, and a good price.
Volin Fa štagod, vidite da koristin dosta njihovoih proizvoda. Sviđa mi se miris ovoga, ali ga više volim zimi,
ne toliko liti. Super tuširalica, za super cijenu.
Fa Acai Berry
I used this during the summer, then passed on to another shower cream, then went back to it.
I love the smell, and it really does moisturize my skin. Not to the point I don't need to use a body butter
after, but it's okay.
Koristila ga litos, pa prišla na druge, pa se vratila. Sviđa mi se miris i uistinu hidratizira moju kožu.
Ne do te mjere da iza njega ne triban koristit maslac za tilo, ali ok je.
Fa vitamin & power
I used this one as my morning shower gel. It would wake me up nicely...because I didn't like that honey melon smell. It's not crap, it's just, it's not my favorite Fa shower gel.
Koristila san ovoga ujutro kao tuširalicu. Lipo bi me razbudio....jer nisan volila taj miris, šta medena dinja, melun, pipun? Nije sranje, samo, nije mi najdraži Fa gel za tuširanje.
NIVEA cashmere moments
I have a problem with this one. I tend to buy it because I love the smell, but then after 2-3 uses I get so
sick of it I want to, just hit myself. I don't know why I obsess over it so much, I need to have it but in the
same time I hate it. I guess I'm just kind of masochistic.
Iman problema s ovin. Kupujen ga jer volin miris, ali nakon 2-3 korištenja toliko mi se zgadi, dođe mi da se
lupnen. Neznan zašto san opsjednuta ovin, triban ga imat ali ga u isto vrime mrzin. Možda san samo
malo mazohistična kad se o ovome radi.
Balea 'Love is a Battle Field' sweet+fresh doushe
I got it in a set of 2 because it came with the cutest pink make up bag with hearts on it.
I gave the other one away, and just made myself use this one up. I did not enjoy it.
It ain't sweet, it ain't fresh, and don't tell me love is a battle field. Thank you for the bag tho.
Uzela san ovaj set jer je doša sa tako slatknon roza torbicon sa srcima.
Drugoga san se hitro rješila i odman ga poklonila, a sebe san natrala da ovo iskoristin. Nisan uživala.
Nije sladak, nije svjež, i nećem meni niko govorit šta je ljubav. Fala lipa na torbi.
DOVE Beauty Cream Wash
Was on sale, really, really cheap. It smells like a cream and it's nice and all, it's really amazing.
But, when I have Balea shower gel, creams, whatever in the most amazing scents for such a cheap price,
why even bother about Dove?
Bio na sniženju, baš, baš jeftin. Miriše ko krema i je on dobar i sve to, super je.
Ali, kad iman Balea gelove, kreme, štaveć, u super mirisima za toliko jeftino, čemu se zezat sa Doveom?
I used my last one you guys! I feel so sad. I think I'll wait a while before I buy it again,
I've been going absolutely insane over other hand creams. I have like 6 opened creams that I must finish.
Iskoristila san zadnju ljudi! Tako san tužna. Mislin da je neću uzet još neko vrime (MISLIN!!!),
apsolutno san poludila oko krema za ruke. Trenutno iman 6 otvorenih koje triban završit.
Balea Olive handcreme
I squeezed the soul out of this hand creme. It's so good. I already repurchased it! :D
Istisnila san dušu iz ove kreme za ruke. Tako je dobra. Već san je kupila opet! :D
Dove Velvet lotion tester
Nothing special to say about this except I am so happy I got this free.
Ništa posebno za reć od ovome, samo mi je super drago da san ga dobila besplatno.
Cotton pads
I do nails and use make up. I got a bag full of different ones. Like the ebelin ones best though.
Radin nokte i koristin šminku. Za šta mi ovo ne triba? Iman punu vreću različitih. Najdraži su mi ebelinovi.
Softino baby wipes camomile
I like these for taking off my foundation. They work, they're extremely cheap and because of them I don't buy make up wipes. Might consider buying them though. It's Christmas time and this girl is in the mood
for buying everything.
Volin ove za skidanje pudera. Rade, jeftine su i zbog njih ne kupujen maramice za skidanje šminke.
Mogla bi ih kupit ipak. Božićno je vrime i valjda do sad znate da ću poludit u šopingu.
essence mascaras
I reorganized and cleaned my make up a week ago, I'd swear I threw these out. I think that these are probably my moms mascaras, but she doesn't need them. I dislike the waterproof one, LOVE the volume curl one and meh about volume boost.
Prošli tjedan san čistila i organizirala šminku, zaklela bi se da san ovo prije bacila. Mislin da su ovo vjerojatno maskare moje mame, ali ne tribaju joj. Ja nevolin vodootpornu, VOLIN volume curl, a volume
boost mi je meh.
essence cherry kiss lip gloss
I buy them for my sister and she does this to them. If I liked lip glosses I'd probably use it, smells amazing.
But I'm not into them, so I threw it out.
Kupim ih sestri i ona im ovo napravi. Da volim sjajila za usne vjerojatno bi ga iskoristila, miriše preslatko.
Ali ja ih nevolin, zato ih voli kanta.
Nail polish removers
While I was working I picked up a lot of different polish removers from small stores. I like the
SOLVENTE one and use it the most, but these were fine.
Kad san radila pokupila san puno različitih odstranjivača laka u manjim trgovinama. Ja volin
SOLVENTE i koristin ga najviše, ali ovi su svi bili ok.
s-he buffing block
I have no idea why I kept this for a whole year? My sister had gel nails on and I used it a few times to
buff the residue off. It tore up on the first use and I don't know why I bother to buy these s-he files.
They're no good.
Neznan zašto san ovo čuvala godinu dana? Sestra mi je imala gel nokte i koristila san ga par puta samo da
skinem mali ostatak s noktiju. Pokida se pri prvoj upotebi i neznan zašto se trudin kupovat s-he turpije.
Stvarno ne vride.
Rosal 'Shine on me' Lip Balm
Are you proud as I am? I'm just 'in ah' about finishing a lip balm. I think I should have a party for
finishing it. I mean, I scraped the whole thing out. WOOOOHOOOO
Jeste li ponosne ko i ja? Jednostavno san zadivljena što san potrošila cilo labelo. Triban imat party
zabog toga. Mislin nu, sve san izgrebala. WOOOOHOOOO
Nail polish
Say what? SAY WHAT?! These polishes were 1/2 gone and I made franken polishes.
They were taking up too much space and I wasn't reaching for any one of these, so why not?
I just feel a tad bad because most of the smart girls polishes were limited edition.
But, I needed to.....Let it go.
Šta je ovo? ŠTA JE O-V-O?! Lakovi su bili na po puta gotovi pa san radila frankene.
Zauzimali su mi dosta mista i nisan posezala ni za 1 od ovih, pa zašto ne?
Malo san tužna jer je većina smart girls lakova bila ograničena kolekcija.
Ali tribala san ih pustit...
These are some make up products I gave away. Some of them I tried 1 time, and I didn't even use
the rest. So I gave them to my friends to play around. And why not make someones day a bit better? :)
Ovo su neke stvari koje sam darovala. Neke sam 1 probala, ostatak nisan ni dirala. Pa san ih dala
prijateljicama da se poigraju s njima. I zašto nebi bar nekome ulipšala dan? :)
Violeta soft care baby wipes
Burned the hell out of me. They ended up being my cleaning wipes.
Spalile su vraga iz mene. Na kraju su bile maramice za čišćenje.
Cora nail polish remover
I think the world after an apocalypse would smell better than this.
It smelled like a harsh chemical, and believe me, I worked with harsh chemicals that smelled better.
I'm willing to deal with that, like I said, I'm used to those kinds of smells, but it didn't even work.
I used this whole bottle for taking off a single manicure. Ain't nobody got money fo dat.
Mislin da bi svit iza apokalipse mirisa bolje od ovoga.
Mirisa je ko teška kemija, i virujte mi, radila san sa smrdljivin kemikalijama koje su bolje mirisale.
Čak san voljna trpit miris, ko što rekoh, navikla san na svašta, ali ovo nije radilo.
Cilu ovu bočicu san potrošila da bi skinila 1 manikuru. Ko ima para za to?
SYOSS Keratin Hair Perfection
My sister used this shampoo the whole summer and said it was amazing. And it was for her.
It dried out my hair and made it so tangled, when I walked out of the shower I was like 'the hell is this?'.
Remember the empty Gliss Kur conditioner on the beginning of this post? 1/3 of it was gone after I used this
shampoo just so I could run a comb through my, at that time, birds nest hair.
Sestra mi je koristila ovaj šampon cilo lito i rekla da je zakon. I je bio za nju.
Isušio mi je kosu i toliko je začiča, kad san izašla iz tuša ono 'Koji k...?!'. Sićate se praznog Gliss Kura na početku posta? 1/3 njega je ošla kad san sa ovin šamponon oprala kosu samo da bi mogla provuć češalj kroz, tadašnje, ptičije gnijezdo od kose.
essence STAYS no matter what waterproof eye pencil
Essence do you want me to die? It breaks my tiny little heart to put your products here, but these are the
biggest piece of shit I ever tried from essence, and from eye pencils in general. I said it, can't believe it.
First of all, waterproof, I know, you see if it was made by essence I right away assume that it was brought
down to Earth by angels and that there is no way it would be bad. Oh, how wrong was I...
Can anyone tell me how in the hell would you sharpen a plastic pencil? I mean really. I don't know.
I tried to sharpen one of these (I bought 2, I am such a sucker) with a sharpener and damn, I nearly poked an eye out. If I was doing it outside this pencil would land on the moon, Christ sake. This is a total fail
products and it makes me really sad.
Essence jel ti želiš da ja umren? Moje malo srce se slama jer stavljan tvoj proizvod tu, ali ove olovke
su najveće sranje što san ikad od essencea probala, čak i od svih olovaka za oči općenito koje san probala.
Rekla san to, nemogu virovat. Ko prvo, vodootporno, znan, vidite ako je nešto essence napravio ja automatski pretpostavljan da je to na Zemlju donešeno direkt od anđela i da nema šanse da neće valjat.
Ajme meni, kako san pogrišila... More li mi iko reć kako naoštrit ovu prokletu plastiku? Ozbiljno. Jer ja neznan. Pokušala san 1 naoštrit (Kupila odman 2, naivčina san velika) oštrilon i ono, malo falilo da ostanen bez oka. Da san je probala naoštrit vanka sletila bi na misec, za Boga miloga. Totalni promašaj i stvarno san tužna zbog ovoga.
This is all from me today, I hope you enjoyed it. :)
Do you have any of these products and how do you like them?
I am especially interested in your thoughts on the essence 'missile' eye pencil.
Thank you all for you time!
Take care and enjoy,
until next post,
To je sve od mene za danas, nadan se da ste uživali. :)
Imate li išta od ovoga i šta mislite?
Posebno me zanima Vaše mišljenje o essenceovom projektilu od olovke za oči.
Hvala Vam na Vašem vremenu!
Pazite se i uživajte,
do sljedećeg posta,
boze koliko proizvoda.
OdgovoriIzbrišiNisi glos,adio.hahah
Kako mi je drago kad nekoga nasmijen :D Ajme biži, već iman pola vrećice za novi post, baš iskušavam svašta zadnja 3 miseca, i sve u isto vrime nestaje :D
IzbrišiBila si baš vrijedna, divim ti se zbog labela
OdgovoriIzbrišiEssence olovku nisam koristila, niti želim. :)
Hvala :D Da imalo vridi ja bi je koristila, nikad nisan nešto essenceovo bacila, znači, ovo je bilo strašno.. Imaju puno boljih, samo ove su im očajne. :)
Izbrišidi si nasla onaj sampon i gel od balee? ja sam taman pomislila da sam sve isprobala. ja sam samo par bočica laka potrošila a ti četvrtinu moje kolekcije. essence maskare nisam nikad koristila ali jesam jednu olovku koja mi je skorz ok, druga i ne toliko jer je jedna strana olovke tvrda i slabo pigmentirana, druga strana prava suprotnost
OdgovoriIzbrišiŠampon uzimam u svome Dm-u u Imotskom, ali ima ga i u Makarskom Dm-u. Najbolji mi je :D A gel san uzela lani, nakon Božićnog ludila, kad su poklon paketi bili na sniženju, dobila ova 2 gela, roza torbicu i ovo labelo što sam poklonila prijateljici. Jedino torba valjala od cilog paketa hahaha :D
IzbrišiI know the feeling, I feel proud when I finish a lip balm! I want to finish a lipstick but that's even harder ^-^
OdgovoriIzbrišiThat's why I'm still resisting the urge to buy one! I have like 5 lip balms, they are everywhere LOL
Izbrišijao, ja moram svaki put da skuvam kafu kad citam tvoje postove..razgalis mi dusu..samo cu ti reci..ako bas volim ,,ha ha
OdgovoriIzbrišipa svi mi tako prodjemo.jedino ja ustedim gomilu gomilu para na te zezalice za kosu.draga ja se sisam na 6mm zimi a leti na 3mm i meni nista ne treba..samo malo sampona.nivea krema wax vosak ili vazelin i to je sve
niveu i vazelin moram za ruke i nokte da imam..pa mi ostane vise para za lakove ..hi hi ! prijatna mi kafa ..hi hi !
Pa tako i ja, kafenišen i na blogove, nema lipšeg meraka :D Ja sam se šišala na kratko prije i nemogu podnit agoniju zvanu bob frizura. Čim mi malo izraste poludim, ne podnosim kosu na licu. Ovako kad je duga, lipo u punđu na vrh glave i meni super :D Također draga, uživaj mi :D :* <3
Izbrišija sam sebi kupila profi masinicu i sisam se 1x ili 2x mesecno..meni je u lokne ko majk dzeksonu i ne podnosim to
IzbrišiMeni je ravna kosa ko Slavonija :D Nije preteška za održavanje :D
Izbrišivery interesting post, I must go through my cosmetics as well because the worst thing about me is this, that I am keeping everything just half full and still buying new stuff brrrr...
OdgovoriIzbrišihave a nice weekend Glee
I know! That's why I just make myself do it. At least try to go through mascaras, foundation and 'cover up' things, like concealers. Last year I used a older concealer and my face was insanely broken out. There's no way for me to finish a palette, eyeshadow or a eye pencil fast, so I clean those every week-10 days. That way I feel safe when I'm using them :D
Izbrišiod ovoliko potrošenih proizvoda, definitivno si zaslužila otići u shopping :D
OdgovoriIzbrišivolim i sama dove gelove, ali i baleine :D Gliss Kur regeneratore isto tako :D
za Balea vitamin šampon si me jako zainteresirala :D
PRAISE JESUS SOMEBODY SAID IT! :D Bless your kind heart. <3
IzbrišiToliko sam ti zahvalna da nemogu progovorit na materinjen jeziku haha :D
Balein šampon košta 10 kn za 0,5 L, ako se to ne isplati probat onda stvarno :D Ja sam definitivno budget shopper, kad se ja usudim, triba svako. :D Hvala :D
"neće meni nitko govorit što je ljubav"..hahhaha..svaka čast na glissu, meni se uvijek čini da ga imam vječnost,nikako potroši..bila si jako vrijdna kod trošnje proizvoda-poslužit ćeš mi kao uzor :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiUspjevam Vas sve nasmijat, kako to volin :D Hvala, počašćena san da san bar nekome za nešto uzor :D
IzbrišiWau, moram reći: svaka čast! :D Ja nikad ni balzam ni lakove za nokte ne uspijem potrošiti do kraja dok su još u roku trajanja.
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala! Balzam kraj kompjutera, kraj kreveta i u torbi, kad ih uočiš namazat ćeš se, viruj mi :D
IzbrišiPotpisujem sve za Gliss!! Obožavam ga :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiFa tuširalice su mi super, mama mi baš kupila jogurt i aloe vera koju baš volim, volim te sitnice kao iznenađenja :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiGliss ima super te sprej regeneratore, probat ću ovaj, i moram probat taj vitamin šampon :)
što se lakova tiče - dobra ideja za frankenštajne :D
I have had the same experience with the Stay no matter what eye pencils... I still have them and fighting to figure out a way to use them lol
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you for your words n_n <3