
Sparkly dots on a lovely color :)


Hey friends!

Today I'll show you a manicure I did for my friend yesterday.
It's cute, simple and quick. DOTS!

Pozdrav prijatelji!

Danas ću Vam pokazati manikuru koju san radila nevisti jučer.
Slatko je, jednostavno i brzo. TOČKICE!

What I used: / Koristila san:

- EVELINE 8in1 base coat / bazni lak
- White acrylic paint / Bilu akrilnu boju
- Toothpick / Čačkalicu
- smart girls get more 111
- essence quick dry top coat / nadlak

This is 2 coats of Violett. It's a great polish. Cream formula, glides on and by the time you've painted
your second hand, the polish on the first hand is already dry.
It was not planned, but the color of the polish matched my friends shirt perfectly :D.

Ovo su 2 sloja Violett. Divan lak. Krem formula, klizi divno i dok nalakirate 2. ruku, lak na 1. ruci je
već suh. Nije bilo planirano, ali boja laka je bila iste boje kao nevistina majica :D.

She said this manicure made her feel like a kid again.:) I loved that!
Isn't it awesome how you can make somebody smile with a simple manicure like this? :D

Nevista mi rekla da se od ove manikure opet osjeća ko dite. :) E to volin!
Zar nije predivno kako možete nekoga nasmijati sa ovako jednostavnon manikuron? :D

I hope you guys liked this, thank you for your time!
I'll be posting my new manicure soon, I'm in love with a polish!
I've tweeted and instagramed the hell out of it already LOL
Take care and relax, until next post, byeeeeeeeee! xoxoxo

Nadan se da Vam se svidilo ovo, hvala Vam na Vašem vremenu!
Uskoro postam svoju novu manikuru, zaljubila san se u lak!
Iztvitala san i izinstagramirala san vraga iz njega već LOL
Pazite se i opustite, do sljedećeg posta, pozdraaaaav! xoxoxo

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