Hey guys! / Pozdrav ljudi!
I cut my nails a few days ago. It was traumatic. I haven't clipped them for more than 6 months, and I
filed them about 2 weeks ago. As you will notice in the pictures I didn't clip them all off, I shortened
them a little bit because they were starting to curl and they were losing the squoval shape. I should
have recorded the process. The nails are so thick and hard they'd just fly away when I clipped LOL. That was ok, I never mind vacuuming :D, but when I grabbed the file... Oh the horror and the pain. My nails
made a terrifying squeaky sound. I cringed. FUUUUUU nail files.
Skratila sam nokte prije par dana. Bilo je traumatično. Nisam ih rezala više od pola godine, a turpijala
sam ih prije 2 tjedna. Kao što ćete vidjeti po slikama nisam ih skroz odrezala, skratila sam ih malo
jer su se počeli kovrčati? i gubili su squoval oblik. Trebala sam snimiti proces. Nokti su mi toliko
debeli i cvrsti kad sam ih rezala samo bi odletjeli LOL. To je bilo ok, nikad mi nije problem usisavati :D ,
ali kad sam uzela turpiju.. Koji horor i bol... Nokti su mi proizvodili zastašujući škripav zvuk. Zgrožavala
sam se. FUUUUUUUU turpije.
Okay, let's get into how my nails look now. / Ok idemo vidjeti kako mi nokti sad izgledaju.
Before. / Prije.
Clipped away. I sad I just shortened them, ok? / Odrezani. Rekla sam da sam ih malo skratila, ok?
All filed and squoval shape n_n. / Oturpijani i squoval oblika n_n.
My new 'foam' manicure. LOL. JK, bleaching my nails.
Moja nova 'pjena' manikura. LOL. Šalim se, izbjeljivanje noktiju.
PUFF. Awesome nails. / PUFF. Zakon nokti.
I hope you guys enjoyed this, if you want more detail about anything just ask me.
I have a new manicure, post is coming soon, if you follow me on twitter , instagram or
pinterest you already saw it.
Thank you for your time, I hope you're having a fabulous day.
Until next post, byeeeeeeeee. :)
Nadam se da Vam se svidilo ovo, ako želite više detalja o nečemu samo pitajte.
Imam novu manikuru, postam uskoro, ako me pratite na twitteru, instagramu ili pinterestu
već ste je vidjeli.
Hvala Vam na Vašem vremenu, nadam se da Vam je divan dan.
Do sljedećeg posta, pozdraaaaaav. :)
I cut my nails a few days ago. It was traumatic. I haven't clipped them for more than 6 months, and I
filed them about 2 weeks ago. As you will notice in the pictures I didn't clip them all off, I shortened
them a little bit because they were starting to curl and they were losing the squoval shape. I should
have recorded the process. The nails are so thick and hard they'd just fly away when I clipped LOL. That was ok, I never mind vacuuming :D, but when I grabbed the file... Oh the horror and the pain. My nails
made a terrifying squeaky sound. I cringed. FUUUUUU nail files.
Skratila sam nokte prije par dana. Bilo je traumatično. Nisam ih rezala više od pola godine, a turpijala
sam ih prije 2 tjedna. Kao što ćete vidjeti po slikama nisam ih skroz odrezala, skratila sam ih malo
jer su se počeli kovrčati? i gubili su squoval oblik. Trebala sam snimiti proces. Nokti su mi toliko
debeli i cvrsti kad sam ih rezala samo bi odletjeli LOL. To je bilo ok, nikad mi nije problem usisavati :D ,
ali kad sam uzela turpiju.. Koji horor i bol... Nokti su mi proizvodili zastašujući škripav zvuk. Zgrožavala
sam se. FUUUUUUUU turpije.
Okay, let's get into how my nails look now. / Ok idemo vidjeti kako mi nokti sad izgledaju.
Before. / Prije.
Clipped away. I sad I just shortened them, ok? / Odrezani. Rekla sam da sam ih malo skratila, ok?
All filed and squoval shape n_n. / Oturpijani i squoval oblika n_n.
My new 'foam' manicure. LOL. JK, bleaching my nails.
Moja nova 'pjena' manikura. LOL. Šalim se, izbjeljivanje noktiju.
PUFF. Awesome nails. / PUFF. Zakon nokti.
I hope you guys enjoyed this, if you want more detail about anything just ask me.
I have a new manicure, post is coming soon, if you follow me on twitter , instagram or
pinterest you already saw it.
Thank you for your time, I hope you're having a fabulous day.
Until next post, byeeeeeeeee. :)
Nadam se da Vam se svidilo ovo, ako želite više detalja o nečemu samo pitajte.
Imam novu manikuru, postam uskoro, ako me pratite na twitteru, instagramu ili pinterestu
već ste je vidjeli.
Hvala Vam na Vašem vremenu, nadam se da Vam je divan dan.
Do sljedećeg posta, pozdraaaaaav. :)
I'm so jealous of your long and strong nails!! The past month my nails were so weak they'd break all the time. I've been using a calcium basecoat and they are getting better. Thank God, because there are so many spring and fun colours to try LOL!
Thanks dear :D I swear by my EVELINE 8in1 base coat, it's a miracle! I don't know if you have it in Greece, but I recommend you try it. Uh, I feel like I've been stuck on all kinds of greens this spring, but lately I've been thinking about lavender polishes LOL :D xo
Izbrišiopet nooookti *.*
OdgovoriIzbrišii to goli, čista pornografija lol
Moran malo 'GOLICAT' maštu :D Još su malo žuti, ali dobri su :) :*
IzbrišiThank you for your words n_n <3