DIY - dried flowers for nail art
Hey people! / Pozdrav ljudi!
Ever seen dried flowers for nail art online? Yeah, they're sold online.
Why waste your money on something you can easily do yourself?
Let's get going, and save that money for new polishes! :D
Jeste ikad vidjeli suho cvijeće za nail art na internetu? Da, prodaje se online.
Zašto trošiti novac na nešto što lako možete sami napraviti?
Idemo početi, i sačuvati taj novac za nove lakove! :D
You ever did a herbarium for a school project? If you have, then you know how we'll do this.
Jeste ikad radili herbarij za školski projekt? Ako jeste, onda znate kako ćemo ovo raditi.
What you'll need: / Što ćete trebati:
- any kind of flowers you like, I'd just recommend you to pick flowers that can fit your nails
Bilo koje cvijeće koje volite, samo Vam preporučujem da uberete cvijeće koje odgovara Vašim noktima
- 2 paper pages / 2 stranice papira
- a flyer, or tear some magazine pages / letak, ili iskidajte par stranica nekog magazina
- 2 flat heavy things, 2 books, or 2 boxes, 2 bricks.. to press the flowers
2 ravne teške stvari, 2 knjige, 2 kutije, 2 cigle... da pritisnu cvijeće
- a small container to store the flowers / mala posudica za spremiti cvijeće
I picked these flowers in the woods, I don't know what they're called, but they're small and fit my nail.
Ubrala sam ovo cvijeće u šumi, neznam kako se zovu, ali su mali i odgovaraju mi noktu.
I spread a flyer, and put 2 paper pages on it, I just tore them out of a notebook.
Rastvorila sam letak, i stavila 2 stranice papira na njega, samo sam ih iskidala iz bilježnice.
Then I separated the flowers from the stem. / Onda sam odvojila cvjetove od stabljika.
I placed the flowers on 1 paper page, just don't put them very close to each other, you won't be able to separate them later.
Stavila sam cvjetove na 1 stranicu papira, samo ih nemojte slagati preblizu, poslje ih nećete moći
Place the other paper page on top of the flowers. Close the flyer, or arrange it like this:
2 magazine pages - paper page - flowers - paper page - 2 magazine pages.
Then: flat heavy thing - flowers in paper - flat heavy thing
Stavite 2 stranicu papira na cvijeće. Zatvorite letak, ili ovako složite:
2 stranice magazina - stranica papira - cvijeće - stranica papira - 2 stranice magazina.
Onda: ravna teška stvar - cvijeće u papiru - ravna teška stvar
I left the flowers dry for a week, I wanted them to be 100% dry, but you can check on them after 2-3
Ostavila sam cvijeće da se suši tjedan dana, htjela sam da bude 100% suho, ali možete ih provjeriti
nakon 2-3 dana.
What I got when I opened the flyer. / Ovo sam dobila kad sam otvorila letak.
They're so cute!! Yesterday I went for a walk and picked some small pink, yellow-ish and tiny blue
flowers, they're already drying, so I can't wait to see how they turn out.
Tako su slatki!! Jučer sam išla šetati i ubrala sam neko malo rozo, žućkasto i majušno plavo cvijeće,
već se suši, pa jedva čekam vidjeti kako će oni izgledat.
I gathered the flowers and put them in a small plastic container.
Skupila sam cvijeće i spremila ga u malu plastičnu posudicu.
Can you guys guess what will my next manicure be done with? n_n
Možete li pogoditi s čim ću raditi sljedeću manikuru? n_n
Thank you guys for your time, I hope you enjoyed this and found it helpful.
If you want to ask me anything please do.
I hope you had / are having a great day.
Until next post, byeeeeee. :)
Ljudi, hvala Vam na Vašem vremenu, nadam se da Vam se svidilo ovo i da Vam je pomoglo.
Ako me želite nešto pitati, samo dajte.
Nadam se da ste imali / imate ugodan dan.
Do sljedećeg posta, pozdraaaaaav. :)
Ever seen dried flowers for nail art online? Yeah, they're sold online.
Why waste your money on something you can easily do yourself?
Let's get going, and save that money for new polishes! :D
Jeste ikad vidjeli suho cvijeće za nail art na internetu? Da, prodaje se online.
Zašto trošiti novac na nešto što lako možete sami napraviti?
Idemo početi, i sačuvati taj novac za nove lakove! :D
You ever did a herbarium for a school project? If you have, then you know how we'll do this.
Jeste ikad radili herbarij za školski projekt? Ako jeste, onda znate kako ćemo ovo raditi.
What you'll need: / Što ćete trebati:
- any kind of flowers you like, I'd just recommend you to pick flowers that can fit your nails
Bilo koje cvijeće koje volite, samo Vam preporučujem da uberete cvijeće koje odgovara Vašim noktima
- 2 paper pages / 2 stranice papira
- a flyer, or tear some magazine pages / letak, ili iskidajte par stranica nekog magazina
- 2 flat heavy things, 2 books, or 2 boxes, 2 bricks.. to press the flowers
2 ravne teške stvari, 2 knjige, 2 kutije, 2 cigle... da pritisnu cvijeće
- a small container to store the flowers / mala posudica za spremiti cvijeće
I picked these flowers in the woods, I don't know what they're called, but they're small and fit my nail.
Ubrala sam ovo cvijeće u šumi, neznam kako se zovu, ali su mali i odgovaraju mi noktu.
I spread a flyer, and put 2 paper pages on it, I just tore them out of a notebook.
Rastvorila sam letak, i stavila 2 stranice papira na njega, samo sam ih iskidala iz bilježnice.
Then I separated the flowers from the stem. / Onda sam odvojila cvjetove od stabljika.
I placed the flowers on 1 paper page, just don't put them very close to each other, you won't be able to separate them later.
Stavila sam cvjetove na 1 stranicu papira, samo ih nemojte slagati preblizu, poslje ih nećete moći
Place the other paper page on top of the flowers. Close the flyer, or arrange it like this:
2 magazine pages - paper page - flowers - paper page - 2 magazine pages.
Then: flat heavy thing - flowers in paper - flat heavy thing
Stavite 2 stranicu papira na cvijeće. Zatvorite letak, ili ovako složite:
2 stranice magazina - stranica papira - cvijeće - stranica papira - 2 stranice magazina.
Onda: ravna teška stvar - cvijeće u papiru - ravna teška stvar
I left the flowers dry for a week, I wanted them to be 100% dry, but you can check on them after 2-3
Ostavila sam cvijeće da se suši tjedan dana, htjela sam da bude 100% suho, ali možete ih provjeriti
nakon 2-3 dana.
What I got when I opened the flyer. / Ovo sam dobila kad sam otvorila letak.
They're so cute!! Yesterday I went for a walk and picked some small pink, yellow-ish and tiny blue
flowers, they're already drying, so I can't wait to see how they turn out.
Tako su slatki!! Jučer sam išla šetati i ubrala sam neko malo rozo, žućkasto i majušno plavo cvijeće,
već se suši, pa jedva čekam vidjeti kako će oni izgledat.
I gathered the flowers and put them in a small plastic container.
Skupila sam cvijeće i spremila ga u malu plastičnu posudicu.
Can you guys guess what will my next manicure be done with? n_n
Možete li pogoditi s čim ću raditi sljedeću manikuru? n_n
Thank you guys for your time, I hope you enjoyed this and found it helpful.
If you want to ask me anything please do.
I hope you had / are having a great day.
Until next post, byeeeeee. :)
Ljudi, hvala Vam na Vašem vremenu, nadam se da Vam se svidilo ovo i da Vam je pomoglo.
Ako me želite nešto pitati, samo dajte.
Nadam se da ste imali / imate ugodan dan.
Do sljedećeg posta, pozdraaaaaav. :)
koja si ti bistrica :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiImoćankama svašta pada na pamet :D Imam još par ideja, bit' će nešto od mene haha :D
IzbrišiSuper cool tip!! They are so cute, can't wait to see you mani!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you :D I can't wait to do it, I'll probably post it in 2-3 days, my braided drag marble hasn't chipped at all and it's so pretty, I'm waiting for it to at least wear on the tips so I can take it off lol :D
IzbrišiCan't wait to see your next nails with the flowers. That was a really good idea!
OdgovoriIzbriši7 years trying out a brand is enough to know if it's good or not and to advise people. I've only recently started to buy Essence items. The mattifying powder has been a pleasant surprise, really seems to be working for me. Still have a 4 in 1 cleanser to try, that you can use as a mask. It smells really good.
Essence is also the cheapest brand around here and I think it's starting to become more popular.
Thank you so much for visiting my blog!
Take care.
I reaaaaaally want to try the mattifying powder, I heard so much awesome things about it! You're welcome dear, looking forward to more of your posts :) Take care, thank you :))
IzbrišiThank you for your words n_n <3