I'm a joker, I'm a smoker, I'm a person with short nails


I'm here again! / Evo me opet!

After postponing the cutting of my nails for as long as I could, I did it. I cut them.
It feels so weird, my nails aren't getting stuck anywhere, I can grab things like a normal person....
But girl, this is stressful for me, I needed a drink. So, grab a glass of wine and join me
as I show you the pictures of my, now short nails.

Nakon odgađanja rezanja noktiju koliko god sam mogla, učinila sam to. Odrezala sam ih.
Tako mi je sve čudno, nokti mi ne zapinju ni za što, mogu držati stvari kao normalna osoba...
Moje ženske, ovo je tako stresno za mene, tribala san štogod popit. Pa, zgrabite čašu vina i 
pridružite mi se dok Vam pokazujem slike svojih, sad kratkih noktiju.

First, nail porn. :D
In a few pics I am holding a cigarette, if you are against that or whatever, don't watch. I will
say it now, I am a smoker, and I don't think I'll quit. I love me my cigarette and a cup of coffee,
it's my thing, I just love it. If you have something bad to say, don't say anything at all.
Now when I got that out of the way, the pics.

Kao prvo, nail porn. :D
U par slika držim cigaretu, ako ste protiv toga ili štaveć, ne gledajte. Odmah da Vam kažem, ja sam 
pušač, i ne namjeravam prestati. Volim cigaru i šalicu kave, to je moje, obožavam to. Ako imate nešto
loše za reći, nemojte ništa govoriti.
Sad kad sam to rekla, ajmo na slike.

This was my swatch manicure, it held on nice, but I had to bump my pinky finger and chip it. LOL

Ovo je moja swatch manikura, držala se dobro, al sam morala bubnit malin prston i skinit lak s njega. LOL

When I took the polish off. Let the agony begin.

Kad sam skinula lak. Neka agonija počne.

Oh, the horror! / Oh horora!

They don't look too bad, right? / Nisu toliko loši, jel de?

What I used on my nails: / Što sam koristila na noktima:

- EVELINE 8in1 base coat / bazni lak
- essence 152 give me nude, baby! which is completely sheer / koji je skroz proziran
- CATRICE 30 Lilactric which is gorgeous!! / koji je predivan!!
- Golden Rose 102
- essence quick dry top coat / nadlak

And my nails, even short, need to be sparkly. I think they're cute and I am embracing them!

Moji nokti, iako kratki, trbaju svjetlucati. Mislim da su slatki i prihvaćam ih!

That's all from me my friends. I'm leaving early tomorrow morning. :/
Take care, be safe, paint your nails, bling them up for me <3 :)
I love you all very much.
I hope you enjoyed this, because I sure as hell didn't. LOL
Have a pleasant night, until next post, byeeeee! <3

Ovo je sve od mene prijatelji moji. Odlazim Vam sutra ujutro rano. :/
Čuvajte se, pazite se, lakirajte noktiće, izblingajte ih za me <3 :)
Volim Vas sve puno.
Nadam se da ste Vi uživali u ovome, ja Bogami nisan. LOL
Ugodnu večer Vam želim, do sljedećeg posta, pozdraaaaaav! <3


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  1. Your nails have such a nice shape and they are strong and healthy!! Love the sparkly mani of course <3

    1. Awwwwwwww thank you dear, they'll grow again :) <3

  2. It's not that bad, though :D Your hands look beautiful anyway!
    What you call "short nails" are long nails to me ahahahah XD my usual length.

    1. I love short nails too, but it's really odd for me to have them at this length :/ I think short nails look best in the fall with a rich chocolate brown color on them LOL But I'm getting used to them, got a new mani coming up tomorrow. ^^ Thanks dear :)

  3. eh da su meni takvi nokti *.*
    sve imam osjećaj da će ti brzo narast :D

    1. Rastu brzo, šteta što ih moran rezat, al eto, bit će oni još veći, oko toga se ne brinen, samo da ostanu ovako zdravi ^^


Thank you for your words n_n <3

