trend IT UP nail polish: review


Hello there my lovely friends!

I've been testing trend IT UP nail polishes for quite some time now and have gathered a small collection of them so I thought I could present them and, what's more important, recommend them to you.

Pozdrav dragi moji!

Trend IT UP lakove testiran već neko vrime i zasad san skupila malu kolekciju istih pa sam Vam ih odlučila predstavit i, što je još važnije, preporučiti.

"trend IT UP: Be a voice - not an echo!

We present you the new make-up brand trend IT UP

It is meant for everyone that feels like us... Everyone that loves make-up and fashion. Everyone that is focused on their own life. To the ones that don't want to be perfect, but be special. To the ones that leave an impact and are irreplaceable. Whoever you are, whoever you want to be, now it's here: trend IT UP!

Discover the world of trend IT UP products and experience the beauty of your own individuality!"

"trend IT UP: Be a voice - not an echo!

Predstavljamo Vam novu make-up marku trend IT UP

Namijenjena je svima koji se osjećaju kao i mi... Koji vole make-up i modu. Koji su usredotočeni na vlastiti život. Koji ne žele biti savršeni, nego posebni. Koji ostavljaju snažan dojam i nezamjenjivi su. Ma tko da si, ma tko želiš postati, sada je tu: trend IT UP!

Otkrij svijet proizvoda trend IT UP i doživi ljepotu vlastite individualnosti!"

I had to pick up their basic black & white polish! Black polishes are my favorite polishes, they are my go-to's and they have to be good. This one is a 2 coat black creme polish, smooth formula and what blew me away is the fact that it dries super fast.
This polish is a part of their "N'1 nail polish" line. On the site they say:

* Perfect coverage abilities
* Very longlasting
* There are 14 shades in this line, 6ml bottles

Ja san naprosto morala uzet njihov crni i bili lak! Crni lakovi su mi najdraži, kad neznan šta bi uvik uziman crni lak i stoga mi moraju bit dobri. Ovaj prekriva nokte sa 2 sloja, glatka krem formula i što me je posebno impresioniralo jest činjenica da se lak baš brzo osuši.
Ovaj lak je dio njihove "N'1 lakova" linije. Na stranici za njih pišu:

* Savršena pokrivna moć
* Vrlo dugotrajan
* U ovoj liniji ima 14 nijansi, bočice su od 6ml zapremnine

trend IT UP DOUBLE VOLUME & SHINE 353, 2 coats

353 is a stunning periwinkle blue creme polish, covers the nail in 2 coats, dries fast and is longlasting.
This is how they describe this "DOUBLE SHINE & VOLUME" line on the site:

* Special voluminous, gel-look
* High shine
* A brush with 1000 bristles for a perfect applicaton
* 20 shades in the line, 11 ml  bottle

I agree with everything they claim except I'm not sure what's the purpose of this "extra plastic" on the end of the handle of the brush. I JUST PREFER OLDSCHOOL BRUSHES SORRY I'M THIS DRAMATIC.

353 je predivan nježni plavi krem lak, nokte savršeno pokrije sa 2 sloja, brzo se suši i dugotrajan je.
Na stranici za ovu "DOUBLE SHINE & VOLUME" liniju pišu:

* Posebno voluminozni, gel-look
* Visoki sjaj
* Kistić s 1000 dlačica za savršeno nanošenje
* U ovoj liniji ima 20 lakova, svaka bočica sadrži 11ml

Ja se slažen sa svime samo što nisan sigurna šta je svrha ove " extra plastike" na spoju drške i dlačica kista (pogledajte pridzadnju sliku). JA SAMO VOLIN NAJOBIČNIJE KISTOVE OPROSTITE ŠTO SAN OVOLIKO DRAMATIČNA.

trend IT UP DOUBLE VOLUME& SHINE 082, 2 coats

082 is a gorgeous purple shimmer polish. It covers the nail in 2 smooth coats, dries fast and is longlasting.

082 je divan ljubičasti shimmer lak. Pokriva nokte sa 2 glatka sloja, brzo se suši i dugotrajan je.

trend IT UP DOUBLE VOLUME& SHINE 070, 2 coats

070 is a lovely light grey polish with a hint of lavender in it. It covers the nail in 2 coats, amazing creme formula, dries fast and is longlasting. I compared it to essence's Serendipity and as you can see it's a bit lighter, but if you don't have Serendipity this one is a good alternative to it. I think that polishes like this are, I dare to say, an absolute must have. Shades like this, to me, are so classy, appropriate for everything, go with everything and they look great always.

070 je divan svitlo sivi lak sa malo boje lavande u sebi. Pokriva nokte sa 2 sloja, ima predivnu krem formulu, brzo se suši i dugotrajan je. Usporedila san ga sa essenceovon Serendipity i ko što možete vdit ovaj je mrvicu svitliji, ali ako nemate Serendipity ovaj je super alternativa za njega. Usudit ću se reći da morate imate jedan ovakav lak u kolekciji. Ovakve nijanse, po meni, su toliko elegantne, prigodne za sve, idu uz sve i uvik izgledaju prekrasno.


I love this apricot oil so much it was already in my 2017. Favorites. It moisturizes the cuticles without making my hands greasy, smells amazing and is great for taking nail photos.

Ovu ulje od marelice toliko volin da je već bilo u Favoritima 2017. Hidratizira zanoktice bez da mi ruke ostavi masne, miriše fantastično i odlično je za slikavanje.

I like trend IT UP nail polishes and I have been testing out some other products which I'll show you soon.
Have you tried any of their products? What are your thoughts on them?
Thank you for your time!
Take care and enjoy,
until next post,

Trend IT UP lakovi su super i već neko vrime testiran i neke druge njihove proizvode koje ću Vam predstaviti u nekon od sljedećih postova.
Jeste Vi probali njihove proizvode? Šta mislite o njima?
Hvala Vam na Vašen vrimenu!
Pazite se i uživajte,
do sljedećeg posta,

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Thank you for your words n_n <3

