Western Monarch Butterfly Day Twin Post with Bubica Simple Nails
Hello there my lovely friends!
Today my dear friend Bubica Simple Nails and I are showing you our go on drawing a western monarch butterfly. :)
Pozdrav lipi moji!
Danas Vam moja draga prijateljica Bubica Simple Nails i ja pokazujemo naše pokušaje crtanja western monarch leptira. :)
The monarch butterfly may be the most widely recognized of all American butterflies with its distinct orange, black, and white wings. While beautiful, this coloring actually sends a warning to predators that the monarch is foul tasting and poisonous. Found throughout the United States, as well as Mexico and Canada, one of the most notable characteristics about the monarch is the astonishing 3000 mile journey some will make in the fall to their wintering grounds in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of Mexico or to southern California, depending on which part of the United States or Canada they migrate. How the species manages to return to the same spot after a gap of several generations is still unknown. It is probably an inherited ability and based on a circadian clock or an ability to use the Earth’s magnetic field to navigate. Few facts:
Monarchs can travel between 50 - 100 miles a day; it can take up to two months to complete their journey to winter habitats. Butterflies taste with their feet and smell with their antennae.
I love doing these twin posts, they're so fun for us and I think they're very great for you guys as well. :)
You basically get 2 in 1 nail art designs every time we do these posts :D
I don't want to comment Bubica's nails anymore, I just love very design she does and if you still, after all these twin posts we've done, haven't checked her out, I don't know what you're waiting for.
Volin radit ove twin postove, nama su baš zanimljivi i mislin da su i za Vas super. :D
Praktički umisto 1 noktiju dobijete 2, još ja malo manje pričan, win-win situacija svakako HAHAHAHAH.
Više se uopće neču niti trudit komentirat Bubicine uradke, štagod ova žena napravi meni je prekrasno.
Uvik ima neki zanimljiv detalj i uvik su nokti uredni, šta oš više? :D I ako je još niste posjetili, nakon svih ovih twin postova (ih kliko će ih još biti!!1!), ja neznan šta čekate.
Thank you all for your time!
Take care and enjoy,
until next post,
Hvala Vam na Vašem vrimenu!
Pazite se i uživajte,
do sljedećeg posta,
Today my dear friend Bubica Simple Nails and I are showing you our go on drawing a western monarch butterfly. :)
Pozdrav lipi moji!
Danas Vam moja draga prijateljica Bubica Simple Nails i ja pokazujemo naše pokušaje crtanja western monarch leptira. :)
The monarch butterfly may be the most widely recognized of all American butterflies with its distinct orange, black, and white wings. While beautiful, this coloring actually sends a warning to predators that the monarch is foul tasting and poisonous. Found throughout the United States, as well as Mexico and Canada, one of the most notable characteristics about the monarch is the astonishing 3000 mile journey some will make in the fall to their wintering grounds in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of Mexico or to southern California, depending on which part of the United States or Canada they migrate. How the species manages to return to the same spot after a gap of several generations is still unknown. It is probably an inherited ability and based on a circadian clock or an ability to use the Earth’s magnetic field to navigate. Few facts:
Monarchs can travel between 50 - 100 miles a day; it can take up to two months to complete their journey to winter habitats. Butterflies taste with their feet and smell with their antennae.
A butterfly’s eye has thousands of individual lenses. A human eye has only one.
Monarh leptir je možda najprepoznatljiviji Američki leptir sa svojim izrazito narančastim, crnim i bilin krilima. Iako je prekrasan, boje zapravo šalju upozorenje predatorima da je monarh užasnog okusa i da je otrovan. Može ga se naći dužem SAD-a, kao i Mexika i Kanade, a jedna od najjačih krakteristika monarha jest začuđujuće putovanje od 3000 milja koje će neki od njih prijeći u jesen prema svojim zimovalištima u planinskon lancu Sierra Nevadi u Mexiku ili u južnoj Kaliforniji, zaviseći o dijelu SAD-a ili Kanade prema kojem migriraju. Kako se vrsta uspije vratiti na isto misto nakon razmaka od nekoliko generacija je još uvik nepoznato. Vjerojatno je nasljedna sposobnost bazirana na dnevnom satu ili sposobnosti da se koriste Zemljinim magnetskim poljem za navigaciju. Neke činjenice:
Monarh može putovat 50-100 milja dnevno, njihovo putovanje do zimovališta može trajati i do 2 mjeseca.
Leptiri kušaju svojim nogama, a mirišu svojim antenama. Leptirovo oko ima tisuće pojedinačnih leća, dok čovjekovo oko ima samo 1.
I love doing these twin posts, they're so fun for us and I think they're very great for you guys as well. :)
You basically get 2 in 1 nail art designs every time we do these posts :D
I don't want to comment Bubica's nails anymore, I just love very design she does and if you still, after all these twin posts we've done, haven't checked her out, I don't know what you're waiting for.
Volin radit ove twin postove, nama su baš zanimljivi i mislin da su i za Vas super. :D
Praktički umisto 1 noktiju dobijete 2, još ja malo manje pričan, win-win situacija svakako HAHAHAHAH.
Više se uopće neču niti trudit komentirat Bubicine uradke, štagod ova žena napravi meni je prekrasno.
Uvik ima neki zanimljiv detalj i uvik su nokti uredni, šta oš više? :D I ako je još niste posjetili, nakon svih ovih twin postova (ih kliko će ih još biti!!1!), ja neznan šta čekate.
Thank you all for your time!
Take care and enjoy,
until next post,
Hvala Vam na Vašem vrimenu!
Pazite se i uživajte,
do sljedećeg posta,
predivna stvorenja ! volim leptire ali retko kad imam priliku da ih vidim! Ovog monarha sa slike smo slucajno ulovili brat i ja, raspolozen za poziranje , bilo ih je vise na jednom mestu i stvarno privlace paznju ! predivni su ! Samo da znas ima varijacija boja.imam sliku belog Monarha , predivan je takodje ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišilep pozdrav !
Nisam ih ni ja odavna vidila, kad razmislim o tome sad :D Lip je monarh :D Hvala draga :D :*
IzbrišiMala, talentirana si, svaki dan se sve više divim. Predivno si ga rekreirala na noktima <3
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvaal puno draga :D <3 :*
IzbrišiPredivni i unikatni kao i uvijek, super ste curke, oduševljena sam vašom suradnjom. :))
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala puno draga <3 :D :*
Izbrišikažeš, otrovan je...pih, onda ga više neću jesti ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišisuper letipirići :D
ahhahah i ja se suzdržavam, jedva uspijen da ga ne poidem :D
IzbrišiHvala draga :D <3
Thank you for your words n_n <3