Born Pretty Store: BORN PRETTY Liquid Peel Off Tape: Review
Hello there my lovely friends!
A few days ago I got my Born Pretty Store package in the mail and I've been testing all the products. Today I'll show you the first one, their new liquid peel off tape.
Pozdrav dragi moji!
Prije par dana san dobila svoj Born Pretty Store paket i odman san počela testirat proizvode.
Danas ću Vam pokazati prvi, njihov novi tekući lateks.
* Standard square bottle, classic nail polish brush
* 15 ml of product
* shouldn't freeze in temperatures under -25 ͒C and even if it gets frozen it could be used again after unfreezing
* after applying a sparing layer it should dry in 3 minutes
* Standardna četvrtasta bočica, običan kist laka za nokte
* 15 ml proizvoda
* ne bi se smio smrznut na temperaturama nižim od -25͒ C i ako se smrzne može se opet koristiti nakon odleđivanja
* tanji sloj lateksa se suši u roku od 3 minute
I have the old version of their liquid latex barier ( BORN PRETTY STORE: WHITE PEEL OFF LIQUID TAPE: REVIEW ) and I have to say that I didn't expect for the new version to be any different. The old one dries down white, this one dried down clear. The old one was (IS, I still have it and it still works) thicker in formula, this one is more wattery. They both have a weird sweet smell (nothing unbearable). I can't tell you does it freeze in temperatures lower than -25͒C but I really don't think that the first thing you'll be looking for in those temperatures is liquid latex....I hope.
Iman staru verziju njihovog tekućeg lateksa ( BORN PRETTY STORE: WHITE PEEL OFF LIQUID TAPE: REVIEW ) i moran prvo reći da nisan očekivala da će uopće ikakva razlika postojati. Stara verzija bude bile boje kad se osuši, nova verzija postaje prozirna. Stara verzija je bila (još uvik JE, još uvik funkcionira) malo gušća, ova je više vodenaste formule. Obe verzije imaju neki čudni slatkasti miris (ništa nepodnošljivo). Ne mogu Vam reći jel se smrzne na temperaturi nižoj od -25͒C ali ne mislin da ćete u tim temperaturama prvo gledat di Vam je tekući se nadan.
This latex works, I like it, if you want to get it you can find it on Born Pretty Store now for 2,99$
and you can use my 10% code off.
Ovaj lateks funkcionira, meni se sviđa, ako ga želite uzeti nađite ga na Born Pretty Store stranici sada za 2,99$ i možete koristiti mojih 10% popusta.
Do you use a liquid latex barier? Which one?
Thank you for your time!
Take care and enjoy,
until next post,
Koristite li Vi tekući lateks? Kojeg koristite?
Hvala Vam na Vašen vrimenu!
Pazite se i uživajte,
do sljedećeg posta,
Thank you for your words n_n <3