#NOTD : CATRICE Velvet Brown - Vinyl vs. Velvet LE


Hello there my lovely friends!

I don't think I've ever done a #notd blogpost so why not now? :D 
I got this polish just a cuple of days ago and I just had to show it to you!

Pozdrav lipi moji!

Mislin da zapravo nikad nisan radila #notd post na blogu, pa što ne sad? :D
Ovaj san lak uzela tek neki dan, a toliko me zadivio da san Vam ga morala što prije pokazati!

In October 2017. Catrice released this "Vinyl vs. Velvet" LE which has 4 polishes, to be exact 2 colors but in both vinly and velvet finish. I bought both of the Velvet versions and here you see Velvet Brown. As you can se Velvet Brown is actually a copper - in some lights it looks rose-gold - color which is funny (kind of) because the other polish is called Velvet Copper and that polish, to me, looks more gold than copper. I just felt the need to tell you that and I though it would be funny but it's just sort of awkward.
Anyway, this is described as a metallic matte polish which I agree with. The formula is AMAZING! Almost a one coat polish (both of these Velvets are), I did 2 because of photos. On the site they also say these polishes are longlasting which I agree with - I've been wearing this Velvet Brown polish for 5 days and I just have the slightest tipwear and last week I wore Velvet Copper for an entire week and had the exact same experience.

U listopadu 2017. Catrice je pustio u prodaju ovu "Vinyl vs. Velvet" LE koja ima 4 laka, točnije 2 boje ali obe u vinyl i velvet finišu. Ja san kupila obe velvet verzije, a tu vidite Velvet Brown. Ko što se da primjetit Velvet Brown je zapravo bakrene - u nekin svitlima čak izgleda rose gold -  boje što je smišno (možda.. ... vjerojatno ne...) jer se drugi lak zove Velvet Copper i iako je doslovan prijevod naziva toga laka velvet bakar on je više zlatan nego bakren, barem meni to tako izgleda. Nekako san Vam tila to ispričat, mislila san da će ispast smišno al je zapravo lagani neugodnjak. U svakon slučaju, ovo je opisano kao metalik mat lak s čim se slažen. Formula je DIVNA! Skoro pokriva nokte sa 1 slojen (obe Velvet verzije su jako pigmentirane), iako san ja lakirala 2 čisto zbog slika. Na Catrice stranici također kažu da su ovi lakovi dugotrajni s čime se također slažen - ovaj lak nosin 5 dana i tek se lagano odrca na vrhu noktiju, a cili prošli tjedan san nosila Velvet Copper i imala san isto iskustvo.

5th day tipwear   -   nokti 5. dan nošenja

Left : Velvet Copper   /   Right : Velvet Brown
1 coat each

I think these polishes and the entire collection is very suitable for everyday use.
It's neutral, quick, easy and goes with everything and I'd highly recommendd you to try these polishes out.

Mislin da su ovi lakovi i zapravo cila kolekcija namjenjeni svakodnevnoj upotrebi.
Što san ja mogla vidit sve je neutralno, jednostavno, ide uz sve i samin time jako štedi vrime.
Stoga san ja odlučila nekome od Vas poklonit jedan lak i kvad iz iste kolekcije.
Kako da upravo Vama poklonin ovo možete vidit na mojoj Facebook stranici ili instagram profilu,
samo nađite objavu ove slike.
Vridi za sve na području Hrvatske.

Have you tried anything from this collection?
Thank you for your time!
Take care and enjoy,
until next post,

Jeste Vi probali nešto od ove kolekcije?
Hvala Vam na Vašen vrimenu!
Pazite se i uživajte,
do sljedećeg posta,

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  1. Baš da! Neobična nijansa, neman ovakvo nešto u kolekciji :D
    Bolje da ih lakiraš nego geliraš :D


Thank you for your words n_n <3

