LadyQueen: 12 Colors Shining Round Sequins Set: Review


Hello there my lovely friends!

Today I'll show you the last item I got in my last LadyQueen package.

Pozdrav lipi moji!

Danas ću Vam pokazati zadnju stvar što san dobila u zadnjen LadyQueen paketu.

In this sequin/glitter set you get 12 different boxes filled with different colored sequins/glitters that you can use on acrylic or natural nails like I did. Every box weighs 2,6g. They come in this box which is perfectly sized so the boxes can't move or should I say there is no mess with this. :) The sequins/glitters are round, flat and thin so when you put them on your natural nails and TC them they won't "stick out". For my manicure I painted all my nails black and proceeded to stick 1 by 1 sequin/glitter on each nail using a toothpick. After I was done, and it didn't take me all that long, I applied a layer of TC and I was done.

U ovome setu šljokica dobijete 12 različiti posudica do vrha napunjenih šljokicama u različitim bojama koje možete koristiti na umjetnim, ili kao ja, na prirodnim noktima. Svaka posudica teži 2,5g. One su posložene u ovu kutijicu koja je savršene veličine, posudice se ne miču tj s ovim setom nema nereda pri otvaranju. :) Šljokice su savršeno okrugle, plosnate i toliko tanke da kad ih posložite na prirodne nokte i pokrijete samo 1 slojem nadlaka niti jedna ne strši. Za manikuru sam nakon baznog i crnog laka slagala 1 po 1 šljokicu na svaki nokat sa čačkalicom. Nakon što san sve posložila, a nije mi toliko dugo tribalo, pokrila sve slojem nadlaka i bila sam gotova.

You can find this Sequin/Glitter Set in the Nail Art section on LadyQueen site now for 8,45$ and, if you'd like, you can use my 15% code off.
Ovaj Set Šljokica možete naći u Nail Art dilu na LadyQueen stranici sad za 8,45$ i, ako želite, možete koristiti mojih 15% popusta

I love this glitter set and I highly recommend you to try it! :D
What do you think of it?
Thank you for your time!
Take care and enjoy,
until next post,

Ja obožavan ovaj set i toplo ga i Vama preporučam! :D
Šta Vi kažete na sve ovo?
Hvala Vam na Vašem vremenu!
Pazite se i uživajte,
do sljedećeg posta,

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