Snail Day Twin Post with Bubica Simple Nails
Hello there my lovely friends!
May 24th would be just the right day to celebrate the snail, but why not take a moment to appreciate these slow moving suckers? Snails move slow and usually don't draw a whole lot of attention. But maybe they deserve a little more credit? Bubica and I think they do. :D
Pozdrav lipi moji!
24. svibnja bi mogao biti pravi dan za cijenjenje puža, što ne uzeti moment i pokazati malo poštovanja ovim sporim luđacima (xD)? Puževi se sporo kreću i obično ne privlače toliko pažnje. Ali možda je zaslužuju? Bubica i ja mislimo da je zaslužuju. :D
Bubca did an incredibly realistic manicure, and then there are my nails. LOL
I was inspired by Gary, Sponge Bob's snail. Because Gary meows. And I like cats.
I think it's be so awesome if snails would meow, scientists pls work on that. <3
Bubica je radila nevjerojatno realističnu manikuru, i onda vidite moje nokte. LOL
Inspirirao me Gary, puž ljubimac Spužve Boba. Jer Gary mjauče. A ja volin mačke.
Mislin da bi bilo prezakon da puževi mjauču, znanstvenici molin Vas poradite na tome. <3
Thank you for your time!
Take care and enjoy,
until next post,
Hvala Vam na Vašem vremenu!
Pazite se i uživajte,
do sljedećeg posta,
Great, I love it! Enjoy the week honey!
OdgovoriIzbrišiCheck my last post here!
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Thank you, you too :D
IzbrišiAhahahaha, ludilo nokti, kod tog spužve Boba ništ normalno. :DD
OdgovoriIzbrišiDobro što SB nije normalan nego nisan ni ja najzdravija hahah <3
IzbrišiThank you for your words n_n <3