Hello there my lovely friends!
Today I'll be sharing with you my impressions on the new Lash Princess mascara from essence, let's get started. :)
Di ste lipi moji?! :D
Danas ću s Vama podilit moje dojmove o novoj Lash Princess maskari od essenca, ajmo počet. :D
The new Lash Princes comes in the same packaging as the old one, except this one has gorgeous mint green accents instead of peachy colored ones like the old one had. You get 12 ml of product that should be used in 6 months.
Nova Lash Princess maskara ima isto pakiranje ko i stara samo što ova ima prekrasne mint zelene (MENTA ZELENE OKE) naglaske umisto boje breskve, kakve je imala stara. Dobijete 12 ml proizvoda koje bi tribali iskoristit kroz 6 miseci. Obe maskare koštaju 28,90kn.
What essence say about this mascara:
"Royal sister! There’s a fabulous addition to the family of lash princess
mascaras in black. The special, conic shape of the fiber brush provides
lashes with length and dramatic volume as well as a false-lash effect,
and just like her sister, the packaging of the drama queen is decorated
with a gorgeous evening dress – this time in black-mint. Princess(ence)
Što essence kaže za ovu maskaru:
"Kraljevska sestra! Ovo je nevjerojatan dodatak obitelji lash princess
maskara. Poseban, kupe oblik vlaknaste četkice pruža trepavice s
duljinom i dramatičnim volumenom kao i efektom umjetnih trepavica. Baš kao i njezina sestra, pakiranje drama queen je ukrašeno kao raskošna
večernja haljina - ovaj put u boji crno-menta. Princess(ence) deluxe!"
I call this the "Christmas tree shape" of a brush and I don't want anybody to tell me to call it anything other than that, thank you very much, the rest of the world.
Ja ovakav tip četkice zoven "Ona ko Božićno drvce" i ne triba me niko niti pokušat uvjerit da ga zoven drugačije, fala ostatak normalnog svita.
The formula of this mascara is very creamy, kind of thick, which I like. It doesn't feel very wet, or very dry. It's actually perfect, if you ask me. The brush is great, easy to use, I say that because the amount of times I poked myself in the eye using it is 0. #proshitrighthere But do I look like I have false lashes on? I kind of think my lashes do look sort of fake, which is surprising for me. I never tried a mascara that gave me the length and the volume I need without the assistance of another mascara. This is just the new Lash Princess, just her on my lashes. 2 coats. Do I need to cut a bitch up for you to notice how excited I am for this mascara? I hope not. 3:)
Formula ove maskare je vrlo kremasta, pomalo gusta, što se meni osobno sviđa. Nisan imala osjećaj da je prevlažna, niti presuha, zapravo je savršena ako se mene pita. Četkica je super, kažem to jer kliko san se puta s njon ubola u oko je 0. #profesionalnavrlo Al jel izgledan ko da san nakeljila umitne trepavice na oči? Meni su pomalo tako i djelovale trepavice, što me je iznenadilo. Nisan nikad probala maskaru koja mi je dala duljinu i volumen kakav mi triba bez pomoći neke druge maskare. Ovo je samo nova Lash Princess maskara na očima. Sama samcata. 2 sloja. Jel triban koga izrizat da se primjeti kliko san ja uzbuđena što iman ovu maskaru? Nadan se da ne triba. 3:)
The "ye olde" Lash Princess gives a softer, more of a natural look compared to the new one, which is more dramatic. I have to say I prefer the new one because dramatic mascaras are made for dramatic crazy people like yours truly.
"Ona stara" Lash Princess daje nježniji, prirodniji izgled trepavicama u usporedbi s novom, koja je više dramatična. Moran reć da mi se više sviđa nova Lash Princess jer su dramatične maskare rađene za dramatične lude ljude, npr za Vašu trulu.
What do you guys think about both mascaras? Which one do you prefer?
Thank you for your time!
Take care and enjoy,
until next post,
Šta Vi kažete na obe maskare? Koja Vam se više dopada?
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