Where the fuck is GleeTree92?


Sup dewds?

OKay, so I'm still working, and will be for... hm. I do not know for sure yet, a month more?
Just saying because everyone's asking. I'll have regular posts in a month probably.
Back home for 12 hours, and I came here instantly, I miss you guys and miss all this, but life's life.
So, this is what I've been up to. THIS BITCH BE SHOPPIIIIIIIIIIIING!

A di ste?

OK, pa, još radim, i radit ću još... hm... Neznan još, još misec dana?
Samo kažen, svi me pitaju. Vjerojatno ću imat redovite postove kroz misec dana.
Vratila san se kući na 12 sati, i evo me odman ovde, falite mi i fali mi ovo sve, ali eto. Jebeni život.
Evo šta san radila, osim rada, logično. ŠOPING TAJMZ.

I haven't done much nail art (any at all ka hm) but, you still like me right? :D
I salute you all and hope you're enjoying your life.
Take care, ttyl.

Nisan radila puno nail arta (nimalo *kašalj*) ali, a još san van draga, jelde? :D
Pozdravljan vas sve i nadan se da mi lipo uživate.
Pazite se, čjmse.

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Thank you for your words n_n <3

