Hello there my lovely friends!
It's been a while since I've shown you the new things I've got... There's a big bunch of them so let's get started! :D
Pozdrav lipi moji!
Prošlo je već dosta vrimena otkad san Vam pokazala novitete koji su se našli kod mene... Ima jedna dosta pristojna hrpa stvari pa ajmo odman "na posa"! :D
Born Pretty Store sent me a package so long ago that you could have already read my reviews. :D
Born Pretty Store mi je posla paket toliko davno da ste već mogli i recenzije tih proizvoda pročitat. :D
Dear Matilda from the essence team sent me and early Christmas surprise package for which I'm still so thankful! <3 I haven't had the chance or time to review these products here (I mentioned them on my instagram) so here are some mini reviews! First I'll mention a non nail related product. :D I got this gel core concealer stick and it was quite a surprise for me. I used to use similar kinds of products when I first started doing my makeup. This one reminds me of regular concealer stick except it's a bit more creamy and it's easier to work with. I use it on my face to cover up some spots and love it for that! :D
Draga Matilda iz essence tima me se sitila i poslala mi rani Božićni poklon za koji san još uvik jako, jako zahvalna! <3 Nisan imala priliku prije recenzirat ove divne proizvode tu (mogli ste ih vidit na mom instagramu) pa evo mini recenzija! Prvo ću spomenit jedini proizvod koji nema nikakve veze s noktima. :D Dobila san ovaj korektor u stiku sa gel sredinom i baš se iznenadila. Slične proizvode san koristila kad san se tek počela šminkat. Podsjeća me na obične korektore u stiku samo što je ovaj mrvicu kremastiji pa samim time se lakše "radi" s njim. Ja ga koristim po licu za pokrivanje mrljica i za tu svrhu ga volin! :D
I also got the gold and the green polish out of "The Little X-Mas Factory" collection. If you can find these polishes get them! They have an amazing formula, they dry quickly and are great for everything. I used them as a regular polish, for stamping, sponging and I even water marbled with them. Amazing polishes!
U paketu su se našli zlatni i zeleni lak iz "The Little X-Mas Factory"kolekcije. Ako slučajno morete nać ili naletite negdi na ove lakove - uzimajte. Imaju odličnu formulu, brzo se suše i odlični su za sve. Koristila san ih ko lak, ono obični lak hahaha namazala i ajde, za pečatiranje, za "spužvanje", a čak san i radila water marble s njima. Fantastični lakovi!
The last thing I got in the package were these nail jewelry stickers. I love this product! I think it's such a quick and easy way to spice up your manicure and I recommend you to try any kind of nail stickers.
Zadnja stvar u paketu bile su ove naljepnice za nokte. Obožavan ih! Mislin da su tako brz i lak način za unapridit manikuru i toplo preporučan da probate bilo kakve naljepnice za nokte.
Thermopolis shook my world with this enormous package! I still can not believe I..... Holy fucking shit.
From tea and cookies to polishes and face masks. Everything. Everything. Everything. I just still can't believe I got such amazing friends. Is this reality?!
Thermopolis me sjebala po temelju sa ovon paketčinon! Ja još uvik nemogu... Znači koji kurac. Od čaja i keksa do lakova i maski za lice, pidžame, maloj robica. Ljudi moji mene sjebala prekrasna kutija sa leptirima u kojon je sve došlo kamoli ne sve ovo. Ja niti virjen, niti znan kako i zašto ja iman ovakve jebene ljude u svon životu al san zahvalna do neba i nazad. <3
I won these goodies over at Simply Selma for which I'm also so grateful for. <3
Kod drage Simply Selma san osvojila ovaj paketić divota na kojen san također jako zahvalna. <3
These are the things I got on my own. Mostly repeats and items on sale. After the disaster called essences reformulated "Ultra Strong" nail hardener - it's one of the shittiest nail bases I've tried in my entire life, I got their gel base coat and I absolutely love it! <3
Ovo su stvari što san sama uzela. Uvik kupujen iste stvarčice ili pak nešto na sniženju. Hešteg cicija štaš. :D Nakon katastrofe zvane essence "Ultra Strong" reformulirana baza za nokte - jedna od najgori baza za nokte koje san imala nesriću u životu probat, san uzela njihovu gel bazu za nokte i ljudi, jebena je!! <3
My birthday was not that long ago and these are all the cosmetic goodies I got :D The only thing I got myself was this plain black Rimmel polish I got on discount. Don't get it, it's not that black. *it's shittyyyyyyyy for the priceeeeeee* LMAO
Nedavno mi je bio rođendan i ovo su kozmetočke stvarčice koje san dobila. :D Evo ima i jedna stvar tu što san si sama uzela, počastila se žena jel. I počastila san se ovin običnin crnin lakon od Rimmela koji je bio na sniženju u Bipe. Nemojte ga tražit, nije tliko crn. *s obziron na cijenu kurcu nevalja* LMAO
So this is all for this post. Do we have any things in common? Do you want me to review something for these things?
Thank you for your time!
Take care and enjoy,
until nest post,
Pa ovo je sve za ovaj post. Dilimo li ikakve novitete? Želite li recenziju nečega od noviteta?
Hvala Vam na Vašem vremenu!
Pazite se i uživajte,
do sljedećeg posta,