Hello there my lovely friends!
Today I'll show you the last item I got in my last Born Pretty Store package.
Pozdrav lipi moji!
Danas ću Vam pokazati zadnju stvar koju san dobila u zadnjen Born Pretty Store paketiću.
Today I'll show you the last item I got in my last Born Pretty Store package.
Pozdrav lipi moji!
Danas ću Vam pokazati zadnju stvar koju san dobila u zadnjen Born Pretty Store paketiću.
I wanted to try these, or better say, any nail vinyls as soon as I saw SimplyNailogical - The Master.
In this package you get a sheet of nail vinyls that has 10 of them. On the back of the packaging you have the instructions on how to use them. I tried them out and even though they do work I have to admit that they haven't wow'd me or anything like that. If you want to try some out, these are great, but should you drop everything and jump off to buy these...no, not really. :D
Tila san probat ove ili bolje da kažen bilo koje slične naljepnice za nokte još otkad san prvi put vidla Simply Nailogical - Kraljicu, legendu, mentoricu, asa... U ovom paketiću san dobila jedan list sa 10 naljepnica za nokte. Na pozadini pakiranje imate upute kako da ih se koriste. Ja san ih isprobala i one rade što bi tribale samo... Nije ovo za mene. Nekako mi nisu zanimljive, tj dovoljno zanimljive da Vam ih sad preporučin. Nu slušajte, ako bi Vi ionako probali nešto slično ovome, preporučan da ih uzmete jer nemorete pobit omjer kvalitete i cijene BPS-a lako, ali jel Vam govorin da sad sve pustite u pm, iskidate maj'cu i pođete naručit ovo, jok. :D
You can find these Nail Vinyls in the Nail Art section on Born Pretty Store now for 2,00$ and, if you'd like, you can use my 10% code off.
Ove Naljepnice za Nokte morete naći u Nail Art dilu na Born Pretty Store-u sad za 2,00$ i, ako želite, možete koristiti mojih 10% popusta.
What do you think of these nail vinyls?
Thank you for your time!
Take care and enjoy,
until next post,
Šta Vi kažete na ove naljepnice za nokte?
Hvala Vam na Vašem vremenu!
Pazite se i uživajte,
do sljedećeg posta,