Hello there my lovely friends!
Another Sunday, another MMS manicure. :) This week's theme are 'Blue' nails and here's what I did. :)
Pozdrav lipi moji!
Još jedna nedilja, još jedna MMS manikura. :) Ovotjedna tema su 'Plavi nokti' i evo šta san ja napravila. :)
What I used:
Eveline 8in1 BC
Manhattan 'Quick Dry 60 seconds' 101S
essence 'the gel' 33 wild white ways
essence 'the gel' 31 electriiiiic
Eveline 'X-Treme Gel Effect' TC
Cup of room temp. distilled water
I painted my little and pointer finger with this gorgeous duochrome Manhattan polish, while I painted the rest of my fingers with essences white polish. Taped off my nails and I copied off this watermarble tutorial that I saw my dear Shpeksyy post not that long ago. Covered my nails with a layer of TC and I was done. :) What do you think of my nails? :)
Nalakirala mali prst i kažiprst ovin lipin Manhattan duokrom lakon, dok san preostala 3 nokta mazala sa essence bilin lakon. Oblipila nokte lipilon i zatim kopirala watermarble tutorial moje drage Shpeksyy kojeg je nedavno objavila. Zaštitila sve nokte slojem nadlaka i bila san gotova. :) Šta Vi kažete na manikuru? :)
Please don't forget to check out what the other girls created for this week's theme! :)
Thank you for your time!
Take care and enjoy,
until next post,
Molin Vas da ne zaboravite pogledat šta su drue cure radile na ovotjednu temu! :)
Hvala Vam na Vašem vremenu!
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